
Clear Coast

The guard that Prince Seth had sent to check out the queen's chamber area knocked on Seth's door to deliver his findings.

Seth opened up for him... he had been waiting because he wanted to carry out his plan this night, in fact, now! But that would be depending on how the queen's place is.

"Come in", Seth said. "So? What did you see?"

"My Prince", the guard said as he bowed his head in homage to Prince Seth.

Then he began to explain what he had observed. "The Queen's personal assistant isn't at his post right now. I think she sent him on an errand, and it looked like it will be outside the palace. I also heard the voices of approximately four maids inside her room, but those are just maids. I didn't see anything else, My Prince. There is one guard stationed outside her room. I had asked him where the other was, but he said it is just him for now"
