

Leonel made his way to Noah, his thoughts still filled with many things. 

Ninth Dimensional Urbe Ore was still manageable. But in this world, there were literally no other Ninth Dimensional Ores. 

Urbe Ore was a Foundational Ore, an Ore that was ubiquitous in its usage and it could be said that it was the most abundant in the world. And yet, the Godlens only had one of them. 

Their next best mine was an Eighth Dimensional one that seemed to have Fire Elemental Ores of some kind. Leonel didn't even look into it much. 

In the wider Existence, according to Anastasia, people used Reinforced Urbe Ore as the currency of choice. Unfortunately for the Godlens, that meant that even with a Ninth Dimensional Urbe Ore Mine, they still used Seventh Dimensional Reinforced Urbe Ore as their baseline currency. They would be paupers if they went anywhere else. 
