
Chapter 70

Isaac Dinklage

It was frankly boring in the infirmary. They came several times a day, interviewed me and even took tests. True, we were surprised that my injections heal so quickly. Here I cursed my regeneration. But fortunately they did not understand anything. We just thought the body was doing well. Or pretended ...

There was nothing to do. The first day I was not allowed out of the infirmary. Therefore, in order not to waste time, I drove chakra through my body and already by the time I was discharged, I had earned a whole fortieth level of chakra manipulation. It also raised both volume and control for me. I have noticed that chakra depletion does increase volume a little more than my early attempts at increasing it.

By the way, I completely forgot that I received a very interesting notification:


You have completed a hidden mission!

"Nagad Amanda Waller"

You survived a clash between two opposing groups of a secret organization. Few people have succeeded, be proud of yourself.


+5000 experience.

+15 free points.

Attention! You've got a new level.

You have increased the level of the "Regeneration" skill

You have increased the level of the "Shooter" skill

Then I received reports that I had improved relations with Rene, Lucifer, both local detectives, even with unknown agents of "Argus", and the strangest thing with Amanda Waller. But that was the first day. And on the second, or rather, early in the morning, when I woke up and started exercising, I read messages that my relationship with Killer-Frost, Diana, Donna and Artemis also improved. A hundred square meters flew in. Moreover, with the Amazons, this happened at the same time. Do they remember me? Although it was no less strange with the "Snow Queen" from Gotham.

In other respects, thanks to this, I remembered that I had not called Pamela for a week, and she could "punish" me for this.

She did not pick up the phone, I left a message and decided to move on to training with chakra. But in order not to get burned, I went to the toilet for a couple of hours and there in the booth I created and dispelled a clone. In an hour I was able to raise the level of the shadow clone to the eighth. But besides that, I remembered that one clone, replacement and henge won't go far. So I started to practice shaping the chakra to use in battle. I haven't aimed at the rasengan yet. But here I was able to create chakra claws. For this I got from the System +50 to chakra and +10 to control.

And when he returned, Lucifer was already waiting for me there, a little upset, but still, when he saw me, he smiled.

"And here is our gallant defender. I smuggled you here. - And pointed to the "scotch" - I decided to visit and ask how are you.

- Relatively good for me and relatively bad for you.

- Hmm. And why such conclusions? Did my brother Aminadiel come to see you and tell you about something? Or Meisekin?

- Neither one nor the other. Before coming here three days ago. Death met me at the exit from you. And we had a nice chat with her ...

At these words, Lucifer sat down and without interrupting in silence listened to me with the utmost seriousness in his eyes, although there was a rather sweet smile on his face. Something too often he smiles ...

+ 100 to relationship with Lucifer Morningstar.

- Yeah, I didn't think she would get to you to drag me back to Hell. But I told her that I would not return. Death does not accept refusals, they are such women. They are looking for help at once on the side. And what did she promise you for your help?

- Any, one desire.

- Wow, this is really impressive. Have you already figured out what exactly you want from her?

- No, not yet ... Wait, you do not care at all that I have thoughts of handing over you with giblets to your "opponent"?

- Well no. - Luz answered completely carelessly and began to pour the drink. - After the betrayal of the Father, I am not surprised at anything. In addition, if you had not thought about such a possibility after SUCH proposal, then I would have doubted your adequacy and your humanity.

- And what are you going to do with it? - I asked him and sat down next to him.

"I'll help you drag me to Hell. - and immediately laughed. "And don't look at me like that, I'm not crazy and I don't suffer from altruism. I'm going to need Hell for something. My brother Aminadiil messed up something and pulled one asshole out of Hell in order to drag me there. And so I need to do a couple of things so that no one bothers me on Earth. I will carry out "reforms" in Hell and find new helpers. And I even know how to return the escaped souls back. And you will help me with this ...

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