
Please Forgive Me

[Back to the present]

It started to drizzle at the end of August. The faint sound of water dripping from the roof tiles and falling into the garden. The flower fields in the yard of the house are wet with rain.

The steam from the hot tea steaming began to dissipate, swallowed by the cold air. Leonardo had not even had the chance to taste the slightest thing because he was focused on listening to the stories of Alexandro and Vanessa.

Carl did not dare to speak, while Vanessa could only look down. The woman's eyelids were puffy from crying too much while telling the story of this tragic life. Everything that had been past for thirty years was now revealed.

"So … I used that one billion to build a clinic and save the lives of many people who can't afford it," said Vanessa. She did all that, so her heartfelt much better. She felt that the one billion she received when she gave up her son could be of use to many people. with this Vanessa make amends.
