


His voice comes out in a low and authoritative tone, making Aubrey grow uneasy but she manages to answer strongly, toning her voice down as usual.


"This is your home." He tucks his hands into his pockets, casually.

She rolls her eyes at him, "Move. Let me pass through."

"You're not going anywhere. This is your new home." He moves closer to her, trying to state his point across but it comes off as a threatening action to Aubrey. His ghastly words cause Aubrey to raise her head up, having proper eye contact with him since she woke up. The look in his eyes is so fierce that Aubrey has to take a step back. "Eat your breakfast." He points back to the bed, "I have set up fresh set of clothes for you. So, when you're done, we can go to the mall and—"

Aubrey cuts him off, not in the mood to argue any further. "Connor, move out of my way. I'm going home." She surges forward, forcefully pushing him away but her effort is all in vain when Connor does not move as he feels like a bag of rock against her.

He firmly grabs her right hand, pulling her into him and away from the door. Her breath catches up in her throat from the deathly close proximity as she stares up into his grey eyes. Connor still doesn't let go after visibly seeing her shake in fear, instead, he uses it to his advantage.

"Do not make this hard for yourself-- the faster you accept it, the better." He says in a low tone.

Aubrey gets disgusted by the situation instead of getting scared as Connor thought. So, she snatches her hand out of his grasp, aggressively glaring at him. "Give me a bus ticket now, I said I'm going home."

Connor sighs, turning to face the massive, plain bedroom. "The bathroom is over there and make sure you eat breakfast before it gets cold and when you're done, come downstairs so we can go get things and properly organize this house for you."

Aubrey scoffs with wide eyes. What she is standing in cannot be described as a house; a better word would be a Mansion. Just from the looks of the bedroom along with the interior designs, she can make out the rest of the house as a huge castle but she would never stay here as per offered by a kidnapper.

"You are crazy." She chuckles, lifting her head to stare boldly into his eyes. "I would never live here. My bus ticket now." She forces a commanding tone, so as to look confident and not freaked out.

Connor keeps on a straight face as he tilts his head, which causes some of his brown-red hair to fall on the side, "Do you even know where you are? A bus ticket won't take you home."

After his words settle in, Aubrey starts to panic as she realizes the complication of the situation. She cannot be away from home; she has school, a part-time job to keep and a brother to care for. She doesn't yet understand what the deal is with these mental people interfering in her life. "My brother." She gasps.

She clearly remembers the reason she had to run out of her house barefooted yesterday and what if Brady comes back home to meet that same reason? That is if the dark-haired man hasn't tracked him down already. She will not be able to live with herself if Brady gets hurt.

"I need to go back now, where is the closest bus station?" Aubrey says, moving on her feet towards the door but Connor doesn't make any effort to stop her this time.

"You are not leaving this house." His voice booming through the house makes Aubrey freeze in her spot suddenly. 

Feeling irritated that her heart and body reacts that way whenever he speaks, she turns to give him a piece of her mind, "What the hell is your deal? Are you people a bunch of mental freaks? If you won't kill me already, then just take me home!" Her heart is racing a million miles per second as she peers into the intense grey color of his eyes. She doesn't quite understand why her mind reacts in indifferent ways when she sees him. However, she is tired of the kind of games they play.

Her life has already been very hard since the beginning, hearing about gods and being moved to another place only makes her existence much more difficult and unbearable as she is slowly losing her sanity.

He breathes out, finding it hard to keep the brunette in check. "You're in danger—"

She cuts him off by yelling, "Yeah, no kidding! You kidnapped me."

"—and it is my duty to keep you safe and away from Kai." He ignores her complains.

Nevertheless, Aubrey isn't falling for their psycho talk. "I don't need protection from some bunch of strangers, I can handle myself, now take me home." She slowly gets angry.

Connor shakes his head, "I'm not letting you leave. This is your new life now."

She brushes her hands through her brown hair, impatiently. "Look," She pauses, trying to take in a calming breath. "I don't care about the words spilling out of your mouth or the reason for it spilling out," She does not aim to sound mean but she is under a lot of pressure and the possibility of being abducted. "All I want is for you to get me my bus ticket so I can leave to see my brother."

Connor doesn't say anything, keeping his calm eyes on her pale and angry face.

"Okay, if you say I'm in danger and you're keeping me safe from some…" She trails, having difficulty pronouncing his name, "Kai. Then what about my brother? He is supposed to be endangered? You're not protecting anything; I am not dumb to fall for that. Take me home." She orders.

Standing brave and stubborn in front of one's kidnapper or abductor may be a stupid thing to do but Aubrey has put down some notes on them— They have kidnapped her more than once now, with no intention to murder her but they seem to be trying to pass a crazy information to her so that leaves her with the possibility that they may be psychotic people. Psychotic people are known to be more dangerous than actual kidnappers because no one knows when they are going to act out. The best thing is to stay brave and smart, trying to get away from them.

Connor clenches his fists, trying to stay calm in front of Aubrey. "Geo and Gemma are with him."

That only gets her unsettled. "I don't want him anywhere near those freaks." She sighs, exhausted from yelling as her head still aches after Gemma made her pass out. "Fine, where am I? Just tell me, I'll get a ticket myself."

He gives her a bored look, his anger seeming to dissipate. "Australia."
