
Selling Materials And Relaxing


"Well, I don't know…" I sighed.

"Oh! How about I buy these to you from the guild, and then I give the one that put up the quest their slime body parts? You'll pay them with what I will give you for buying these high-quality products." Said Marie.

"Good idea, sure thing!" I said. "Here, go ahead." I said, I gave her the low-quality cores while I kept the others for myself, although I was very curious about them, if I told her about the rainbow one, she might go insane… The girl quickly brought a big sack of coins, there were hundreds of them in there.

"In total… Plus the rewards from all the quests, it would be around 920 Gold Coins! Of course, there are Gold Tablets here that are worth multiple gold coins too, so it is not that much, there are some silver coins and copper coins there as well so you can have change to buy small things as well." She said with a smile.

"I see! Thank you, that's great." I said with a smile.
