
The Kingdom Of Frost Tear


I was completely okay with them praising their stupid ancestor however they wanted, but I would had really wanted if they could had prayed to my daughter instead, she's the angelic heavenly one in here, she's the closest to god! Hell, she even has the Heavenly Magic.

But I know that my own thoughts are just insane delusions, I have to calm down, not everyone will ever want to praise and pray to my daughter as if she were a goddess after all, even as cut as she is…

Which is something very disheartening.

I looked at the three ghosts receiving all praises, and I was beginning to get bored.

"Are they going to keep praising and praying to them for hours?" I sighed.

"Well, they're their ancestors, so it makes sense. They never thought they would ever see them again, so it makes sense that they're very surprised." Said Benladann.

"Yeah you have to get into their shoes a little bit, Drake, don't be like that." Said Miranda.
