
Sonic Rainboom




"Yay...!" called out Fluttershy quietly causing Rainbow to groan while Starfall giggled.

"Umm....Was i too loud?...Im sorry!" Said Fluttershy embarrassed, causing Starfall to fall on the ground laughing while Rainbow facehoofed before shaking her head and replying.

"No Fluttershy. You were way to quiet! I thought I explained the meaning of cheer to you but apparently you still have a lot to learn..." She glanced at Starfall who was heaving for air and shook her head in exasperation.

"Honestly Starfall, It wasn't even that funny!" She said causing Starfall to try and regain his composure.

"Sorry. She's just too adorable. You can't deny it Rainbow Hahaha!" He said causing the colourful mare to look at the other Pegasus and see her shy and cute expression.

"Right..." She smiled. Maybe she was a bit too harsh for her. Fluttershy isn't one to scream loudly no matter the situation and she shouldn't change that...At least she'll have Starfall to cheer for her so it shouldn't be that bad...

"I guess it isn't necessary for you to scream Fluttershy. I'll be happy just with your presence on the stands. You on the other hand Mr. I expect you to give me a proper cheer!" She said turning towards Starfall who smiled and kissed her out of the blue causing her to lose her composure.

"Don't worry. You'll get more of those after your victory and I'll be sure to cheer for you through the entire spectacle.

"A-and you better!..."She said, trying to hide her blush, as she walked back to the place where she was practicing her moves for the Best Young Flyer competition.

She took a few steps back to get ready and was about to start another attempt when she heard a voice from the side.

"Remember what I taught you! Keep your calm, enjoy the flight, feel the magic in yourself, and if it's possible push all all the magic and all your emotions into it! You can do it Rainbow!" Starfall called out and Rainbow smiled before slowly exhaling and calming down.

"I can do this!..." She whispered and took of in a blast of air...

The first two phases of her spectacle went without a hitch as she dodged the obstacles and spun the clouds in an expert manner but then it came the time for the last stunt...

The Sonic Rainboom...

Rainbow flew high and looked down. She was apprehensive of what she was about to do. She failed so many times, but she knew that if there was somepony who could do that then it was her! Then without further ado, She accelerated towards the ground trying to remember Starfall's words from before.

She could feel it! The magic in her body helping her in breaking the limits of speed and bending the laws of physics in her favour. She let herself indulge in these feelings and realized that arcs of electricity started to form around her as her front hooves started to shine in a rainbow hue.

She was so close! Only a bit more and she would get it!

But just at this moment her rational side reminded her of the rapidly approaching ground and she had to quickly decelerate to avoid a painful collision that might have stopped her from even attending the competition.

But that didn't matter. She jumped into Starfall's embrace and squealed in excitement in very un-Rainbow Dash like manner.

"Did you see it Starfall! I almost got it! If I only flew a bit higher! But that shouldn't be a problem in Cloudsdale!" Said Rainbow Dash excitedly before realising that Fluttershy was giggling to the side watching Rainbow Dash's behaviour so she quickly separated from Starfall and coughed.

"Right..."Rainbow blushed before smiling and kissing Starfall.

"Hey! That was supposed to be a reward for winning!" He said with an amused expression.

"I took an advance payment, haha! I'm going to win after all!" She said full of confidence making the two other ponies giggle at the typical Rainbow Dash spiel.

"Alright girls. We should go back, Rainbow you need to be rested for tomorrow so you should go to sleep early." He said to which the two Pegasi nodded in agreement.

They were about to go their separate ways when Rainbow stopped Starfall.

"What is it Dash?" He asked seeing Rainbow blushing as she stood before him.

"Umm...Would it be alright if you spent the night with me? I'm not sure I can go to sleep from all this excitement..." She said, making Starfall laugh.

"Of course Love. Just no funny business. You need to rest for tomorrow." He said and Rainbow nodded with a smile.

It wasn't long before the duo found themselves snuggling together in the cloud bedroom dozing of to sleep in a relaxing position...


Starfall sat in the stands of Cloudeseum surrounded by five pretty Mares who looked around in curiosity, as for most of them it was their first time in the Pegasi City.

It wouldn't have been possible if he didn't use the cloud walking spell on them beforehoof, but he was very proud of Twilight who finally managed to emulate the Pegasus Magic like him, and was currently sitting on the could using solely her magical control and nothing else.

She wasn't the Element of Magic for nothing. Even with his headstart and with a similar talent for magic, she was sucking all the magical knowledge like a sponge, and him teaching her all he knew only decreased their distance recently.

He suspected that it was because while Starfall was researching new Magic, Twilight was still learning from books and teachers, only doing little new research, and with him teaching her all that he figured out, it wasn't a surprise that she was catching up to him.

He was actually pretty glad about it because soon they are going to be at similar level when it comes to knowledge and then there would only be a gap in strength.

But we sidetracked from the topic...

Starfall watched as one after one the Competitors showed off their skills in front of the Princesses and he couldn't help but smile seeing Luna on the Royal Balcony sending him glances and smiles whenever their eyes met.

He was actually surprised that Luna showed up here today, as she didn't do so in the show and she should have been exhausted from taking care of the Dream Realm at night, and he could actually see it from the bags under her eyes, but he suspected that it was actually because of him.

He'd have to speak to her later as he really missed her and it was clear that she felt the same...

He was suddenly woken up from his musings by Applejack who pointed out that Rainbow Dash was about to perform.

He watched the entire scene and cheered in the appropriate moments silently wondering whether it was a good idea to change the events of the episode.

Originally Rarity would have learned a valuable lesson, while her friendship with Rainbow would have been strengthened after she was saved by the Pegasus, but on the other hand, his Marefriend would have been put in danger, and allowing something like this to happen was against the ideals he had in this new life.

So in the end he decided that he did the right thing and he only made sure that Rainbow thought about her friends when performing the Rainboom. It wasn't hard to guess that it was connected with the magic of Friendship after all...

He watched as Rainbow Dash raised higher and higher into the sky. She was much higher than during her practice and he could already guess what she was planning to do.

He became a bit worried whether the Cloudeseum was going to survive that...

He send a telepathic message to the Pegasus reassuring her though, as he could see how anxious she was using a scope spell.

'You can do it Rainbow. Remember that we all love you and all you need to do is push that knowledge into action.'

Rainbow heard Starfall's cryptic message and looked down to see Starfall and the girls smiling at her from the stands. Somehow, even despite the high altitude she could tell that they were smiling and she felt warmth spreading through her chest.

Her friends...Her Family...

At that moment something clicked in her mind and she knew that she would be able to achieve what she was about to do.

Without further ado, Rainbow made a back flip in the air and Dashed straight down with a speed that far surpassed what she could accomplish during her training. She could feel her Magic rushing into her wings, and there was something more that she couldn't pinpoint, which amplified the magic by a visible amount giving her that necessary oomph of speed needed to accomplish the impossible.

On the Stands Everypony watched in amazement as the talented colorful Pegasus reached an incredible speed without loosing control, and even Spitfire, the Captain of the Wondebolts and the guest judge of the Competition lowered her glasses, realising that she wasn't slowing down.

Starfall grinned seeing as rainbow got closer and closer to the level of the Cloudeseum because he could see arcs of electricity jumping on her body that far surpassed what happened during their training and her front hooves were already pushing down what could only be some kind of a magical sound barrier. He could see her hooves turning rainbow from the overload of magic and his Magic sight could actually tell him that Rainbow was basically compressing all the magic in front of her into an almost liquid state...

He didn't have much time to observe it though because it was in only a matter of seconds that the sound sound barrier reached critical mass and-


The explosion shook the entire stadium and would have probably thrown the girls off the cloud If Starfall didn't catch them in time with telekinesis.

And oh boy was it hard to do when his Magic barely listened to him at the moment.

He could even see his Cutie Mark pulsating from the magical overload that reminded him of the first time he got his Cutie Mark and he couldn't help but wonder how in Tartarus was this magical explosion saturated with the Magic of Friendship?!

Well... Ignoring the momentary chaos that happened from Rainbow's "bright" idea of timing the explosion right in the middle of the Cloudeseum, the deed itself clearly deserved the first place in the Competition...

And a lot of research...
