
[Special Episode!] Celeste and Little Han

"My little bun~~~" Celeste hugged Little Han the moment he woke up and expertly carried him to shower him with cuddles and kisses. 

"Gobma…" Little Han buried his sleepy head in Celeste's bosom trying to get more sleep. 

"Aiyooo did the guys make you tired when they look after you? Aiyooo what made you feel so tired?" Celeste asked him teasingly, but as she did this her hands were already working on changing Little Han's diapers. 

"Hmm... Let's eat first then Godma will help you bathe…" Celeste carried Little Han to the table and placed him on her lap. Then she brought Little Han the spoon and let him eat as the guardians knew that Little Han likes to try to eat on his own, especially during meals. 

"Ummyyy~" Little Han happily ate the food that Celeste gave. Just like Sylvain, she had no problems in making food for Little Han as she really did her research before the little one entered the realm. 
