
Eccentric Research Branch (3)

The designated time of the assembly came, everyone obediently convened in the main hall and waited for Eli and Zeke to come out. 

When Eli scanned through the faces of the branch members, she casted a meaningful glance towards Zeke as if telling, "See? I told you!"

Zeke couldn't help feeling utterly stressed, the research branch really was a handful! Looking at their smug and contented faces, Zeke felt like he was slapped again and again!

Eli chose to retreat three steps behind Zeke to let him announce his verdict to the crowd. 

"As everyone of you knowingly participated in an offense of disrespecting the school officials, I deliberated with the Vice Chairman for a rightful punishment for you. Although everyone here deserved to be expelled, I decided to be lenient one last time!"

Hearing that they would no longer be expelled, the faces of the members of the research branch became bright and alive. 
