
Chapter 17: Small Talk

In the middle of a clearing littered with bodies sat a little girl. She wore a black and red somewhat frilly dress mixed in with a typical shrine maiden outfit. Her eyes were glowing red and looking at the sun. On the ground next to her was a simple modified hatchet with a shiny staff and hilt. She sat there, still, her inky black hair waving in the wind, seemingly oblivious to the soldiers running around, desperately trying to fend off their attacks. There attackers were dressed similarly to the girl, only their outfits were different. Whether the pattern, having more frills, or having no frills, these outfits were each different from one another. What was not different was the large weapons the nine of them fighting held. Massively tall, outrageous weapons which didn't look right in their hands. It looked to be a giant halberd with a scythe added on. Most of them had red flags attached to their weapons.

Behind the nine fighting the fleeing soldiers was an army of them. All wearing similar outfits while wielding similar weapons. Despite outnumbering the nine enemies, all of who were female, the soldiers stood no chance. They didn't even try to fight back. Those who did were quickly killed before they could swing. When the last soldier fell, the mostly female army started moving forward, stopping to kneel before the girl. The girl stood up with a sigh and turned around, her eyes studying her followers.

"Apostle Ai, the task is done," One warrior told Ai. She was one of the ones who killed the remaining soldiers.

"Hmmm, goodie!" Ai said, standing up. Her voice betrayed that, despite her eyes being scary, she really was nothing but a child. Ai actually was a child, her mind and body staying at the mental age of one. Her actual age, however, is in her twenties. Ai was what one would call a wartorn. In fact, most of her army was made up of wartorns, which was why the majority of her army was female. The Great Empire Yulin's army of three point three million, were slaughtered by nine Warseekers in under an hour, not a single one left alive. It was a message to them for trying to hold up in their empire while researching the ancient weapons the ancient ones used.

"Well, time to pay their King a visit!" Ai declared cheerfully, tossing her axe up in the air and catching it. Before she could move, one of the Warseekers stepped out of the army and walked over towards her.

"Master Ai, I would like to have a word."

Ai raised her hand, causing the other Warseekers to settle down, and beckon the one who talked over.

"Yes, Ainster?" Ai asked, cocking her head. Ainster shrugged before taking a knee.

"I would like to discuss the matter of the Kingdom."

Ai froze, her smile disappearing.

"They are not involved in the Great Wars and, as such, rebellion and corruption is starting to rise. Why are we not getting involved?"

Ai was quiet for a moment before responding.

"They are not doing any research into more advance weapons nor messing with the ancient ones stuff," Ai responded in a rather unusual weak voice.

"I know that but, I personally don't want to see the Kingdom fall into corruption and eventually get wiped off the map. If we don't teach them a lesson, things will only get worse."

Ai didn't answer.

"Listen. I get that you trust Sharia but, you know we haven't heard anything from her in years. Our spies haven't even seen her," Ainster told Ai with a sigh.

"You can even send one Warseeker over. Either me or someone else. They will run the test and, if Sharia is alive, won't kill her. And, in case the Kingdom doesn't past the test, they will stand guard to make sure they aren't annihilated."

Ai once again stayed quiet. Ainster let out a sigh and stood up, ready to go back to the army, when Ai reached out and grabbed the edge of Ainster's dress.

"...I'll send you. Find out what happened to Sharia and run the test. Just note that you'll be without the spies set up within the Kingdom."

Ai's voice was quiet but hard. Ainster turned and looked at her master, who met her eyes eveningly, before she smiled and nodded.

"Understood. I'll be on my way."

Ainster bowed before she darted away, leaving the area in just a few seconds. Once she was out of sight of the army of Warseekers, Ainster stopped and planted the hilt of her weapon into the ground, causing the ground to crack and shake. Her eyes settled on something in the distance and she let out a sigh.

"Well then, Sharia. Let's see if you are alive and...if you are alive..."

Ainster started climbing up her varatharasata, laughing while she did so until she stopped, perched on top of the scythe on all fours, blood dripping from her hands as they were pressed against the sharp scythe unprotected.

"I wonder what you'll do when you see me again. In fact, I wonder what you are doing while your precious Kingdom rots away."


Princess Isalene was enjoying herself with Marcus as usual. When she first met Marcus, she didn't know how to feel about him. In fact, she ignored him at first. But, eventually, he grew on her and they became close. When Isalene got the message from Marcus to meet her out in their secret spot in the royal garden, she accepted. The past two years she hasn't been able to see Marcus as much and this meet up would not only feel nostalgic but also keep her mind off of Sharia taking off her helmet for her father. She knew no matter what she did, she would not be allowed to see Sharia take off her helmet right then and there. She also doubted she could sneak into the arena to watch. The personal royal arena was a place which was heavily guarded on the outside. Not so much as guarded guarded but is a secret not many know about. It has few entrances, all of which are guarded by the King's hand picked guards. They won't listen event to her.

"So, what's on your mind?" Marcus asked, "I couldn't help but notice while we were hanging out."

They have been talking for over an hour now, enjoying the view the garden had. It wasn't really a view and was more of a large courtyard but the garden did provide a nice view of the sun. Since it was located in the back of the Kingdom, it was situated on a hill, allowing for a pretty view of the sun. Of course, if one got higher, they would be able to see past the Kingdom's two walls and out into the barren wasteland of dirty brown sand and dust outside.

"Sharia was going to take off her helmet but my father kicked me out," Isalene pouted, failing to see Marcus flinch at the mention of Sharia's name.

Marcus, despite his vow to himself to teach Sharia a lesson, was quickly shot down by his dad and grandfather. They both warned him not to ever get involve with Sharia. In fact, they considered trying to stop Marcus from seeing Princess Isalene again because of Sharia. In fact, the exact moment he said her name and confirmed that she was a warmonger, he said,

"Oh...Well then."

Marcus has never seen his father make an expression like that before. He looked so resigned. Unlike his brothers, Marcus isn't a fool. Once he realized that his father and grandfather were scared of this criminal, even though he desperately wants to protect Princess Isalene from her, he knew that there was nothing he could do. So, he let go of his anger and decided to just hang out with Princess Isalene like he normally does. Still, the mention of the Warmonger's name was still enough to cause him to flinch and caused him to have a bitter taste.

"Well, maybe there is a reason why they both don't want you to see her face," Marcus tried, knowing that, judging from what Princess Isalene had just said, that she herself has never seen what Sharia looks like underneath her helmet.

"It could be like a scar or something."

Princess Isalene let out a sigh, hugging her knees and leaning on Marcus's arm.

"I know. That is why I am trying to get used to seeing gore but...I guess it still bothers me."

Marcus let out a sigh and pulled Princess Isalene in closer.

"Sometimes, we have to live with the things that bother us."

'Like how I have to live with not being able to do anything about Sharia.'

Princess Isalene gently punched Marcus on his leg.

"That's a sucky answer," She told him. They both broke out laughing after that.


Isalene woke up and looked at the sun. It was setting, which wasn't good. She must have been here for more than two hours. Possibility even over three. Isalene always found the clocks the Kingdom has hard to read. She looked at Marcus and realized that he was asleep. The realization that she was sleeping on his arm caused Isalene to blush.

She carefully got up to not wake Marcus up and sighed when she did so. She turned to look at the setting sun again and took in the view. The sun was partly covered by dust and sand clouds again but the view was still pretty. In fact, the dust clouds seem to enhance the view. With a nod at the sun, Isalene turned to her right and instantly ran right into Sharia. Isalene jumped up but stopped herself from making a sound. She looked at Sharia again and saw that Sharia hadn't reacted to Isalene bumping into her.

'Is she asleep? She didn't seem tired earlier. And doesn't Sharia snore slightly when she's asleep?'

With a soft voice, Isalene whispered Sharia's name. Sharia jolted up and looked at the Isalene.

"Ah...Sorry. I was thinking about something," Sharia responded in an unusual slightly shaken tone.

"Is something wrong?" Isalene asked, knowing that Sharia isn't her usual self right now. Sharia only shook her head.

"Just an unpleasant memory," Sharia responded before turning around and taking a few steps towards the exit of the royal garden.

"We can't just leave Marcus here," Isalene called out to Sharia, stopping her, "Help me lift him up."

Isalene walked over to Marcus and tried lifting him up to no avail. She thought about waking him up and was about to when Sharia walked over and lifted him up in a princess carry with ease. Isalene noticed that Sharia's sword, or her varasikara, was strapped on her back underneath her cape.

"I'll put him in my room and send a message to his maid to come pick him up," Sharia told Isalene as they started walking towards the exit. Isalene felt a twinge in her chest at that. She recognized it as jealousy.

"Can I see your room? Please?" Isalene begged. Sharia was silent for a long moment before letting out a long sigh.

"Fine. Just don't hurt yourself," Sharia told Isalene, picking up speed. Isalene pumped the air with her fist and skipped after Sharia.


Marcus woke up in an unfamiliar room. The room was in the castle judging by the stone brick interior and was bathed in a red light. The red light was coming from the windows yet Marcus had no idea where the light came from. He was laying on a rather comfortable bed with light pink blankets and white sheets. The pillow was a robin egg blue color. There were four doors in the room. One to his left, two in front of him also towards the left, and one to the right which looked like an exit door with a lock installed on it. The keys for the door was located on a dresser. A light was on in the door in front of Marcus closest to the window. He was sure someone was in there.

To his left next to the window was a weapon shelf reaching the ceiling of the room. It was packed full of different kind of weapons, most swords. On the dresser in front of him was a bunch of black chains and throwing knives. To Marcus's right was Princess Isalene, sleeping peacefully on a comfy-looking couch, something he learned the people in the north were a fan of. Next to the wall was a wooden rack where people, especially nobles, hang their robes and coats. Marcus thought that it might be called a coat rack. On said coat rack was a familiar black, gold, and red colored cape with some metal shoulder pieces on top.

After looking around the room some more, Marcus finally realized whose room this is. The clear tell-tale sign was a big silver and gold colored greatsword sitting in what looks to be a custom-made black pedestal next to the two doors in front of Marcus. Marcus had seen that sword before and knows of none other that looks like it. That sword belonged to Sharia, the war criminal and Warmonger who is Princess Isalene's current personal guard.

Just as he made this realization, the light behind the door turned off. Marcus wondered if he should grab a weapon to defend himself or try and kill Sharia but, before he could decide, the door opened up. Out stepped Sharia, wearing her helmet and everything, though Marcus could tell that her helmet was loose. She probably just put it on. After she adjusted her helmet, she closed the door and walked over to her sword. Marcus noticed two red flags on her back, attached by what Marcus assumed is magic. The flags were long, longer than the cape Sharia normally wears. Why she would wear those and not her cape is beyond Marcus.

Sharia didn't take out her weapon but instead started reorganizing the chains on her dresser, completely ignoring Marcus. Marcus, after watching in anticipation for a while, he got up and walked over to the door to his left. He opened it and looked inside. Inside was a whole closet dedicated to weapons. It looked like an armory.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you," Sharia's voice stopped Marcus from entering the room.

"A lot of those weapons weigh over a hundred pounds. If you drop one of them, you will either crack the ground or hurt yourself."

Marcus turned to face Sharia and saw Sharia was sitting on a stool that was previously in the corner of the room. She was sitting on it and examining her sword, tapping it every now and then with no rhyme.

"Isalene insisted I grab you so I brought you to my room. Your maid should be here shortly," Sharia informed Marcus, not bothering to look at him.

Marcus sat down on the bed. Silence sets in and, after a while of nothing but the sound of Sharia tapping her weapon, Marcus finally spoke.

"I don't like you," Marcus blurt out, instantly regretting what he said afterward.

Sharia stopped for a moment and didn't answer right away. Then, she let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, and I don't like you either. In fact, I don't like many people."

"And what do you not like about me?" Marcus asked, genuinely curious.

"You're weak. Weak in every aspect," Sharia instantly replied without looking at Marcus.

"And you'll think I make Princess Isalene weak?" Marcus asked.

"No," Sharia replied, shaking her head, "She is weaker than you. I fail to see how someone like her is King Robert's daughter."

Marcus felt a vein bulge in his forehead.

"Huh!? How can you say that!?"

Sharia snorted and stopped working on her sword.

"I don't like her. I don't care what happens to her as long as she isn't going to be a total threat to the Kingdom. All I have to do is protect her from physical harm."

"H-how can you do that? How can you say that!?"

"That is nothing compared to what the outside will do."

"The time for war is over!"

Sharia snapped. She spun around, glaring at Marcus and standing up.

"War will never be over!" Sharia said in a loud voice, causing Marcus to flinch. The two were silent for a while until Sharia went back to working on her weapon.

"I didn't mean to speak that loud. I would kick you out but that would go against Isalene wishes and what I said. I am not that dishonorable. So, please refrain from making too much noise in case you wake up Isalene."

With that, Sharia went back to her work. Marcus shook his head, keeping his thoughts to himself.

'I'm sorry, father. I may not be able to keep myself back.'
