

~ Currently in the midst of preparing for my finals week a few weeks from now, I'm honestly nervous lol

Btw the mc of our story is not a good person nor is he a man of righteousness, given the circumstances that he has experienced in his past life (orphan, part of the oppressed populace, revolutionary) it's safe to say that he's definitely going to be inflexible/racist when it comes to other nationalities, we can't really blame him as he is a victim of the circumstances of being part of a bleak future. I'll try to make him as pragmatic as I can though, so don't worry ~

Spain, 1885

In a dimly lit room, three men are currently having a discussion about the letters that their organization and its members personally received a few days prior, the contents are a threat and at the same time the two men don't believe anything that's written in the letter, given that for 300 years the Philippines has always been under Spain, and not a single mutiny succeeded in sniffing the capital, much less liberate the whole island of Luzon.

Sitting in his room across his compatriot, Rizal told his misgivings about the information written as he said;

"Graciano, I know that you see me as a man who puts his country first but I can't help but worry about my family in our country, the letter says that they are in possession of them, the only thing I want to do right now is to go back home and take them back!" Obviously worried, Rizal's emotions are currently written all over his face as he said those words.

"Calm down Jose, let's say that they truly have our families and they REALLY have liberated the whole island of luzon, despite it being ruled by Gen. Terrero, arguably one of the rising personalities of the military men of the Spanish Army, would they dare do anything to our families given that we can just tell the Monarchy about this news and have them reclaim the whole island? I'm pretty sure that if the monarchy focused everything that they have towards retaking the country, they'll easily get it back with their advantage in technology, knowledge, military strategies and the likes right?"

Seeing the logic of his compatriot's words, Rizal thought about the situation and calmed down a bit and said;

"But wouldn't telling the monarchy about what happened in our motherland be against everything that we fought for? For five long years, we've waged a propaganda war to fight for the equality of our fellowmen and also for the recognition of our land as a province of Spain, all for the sole purpose of being given more freedom for our people, isn't that our goal ever since? Why would we tell the Spaniards about this when that person gave our country a better solution, he liberated our country and is now going to establish a government to press its independent sovereignty, isn't that the main goal of our organization? To slowly but surely separate from the monarchy and establish ourselves as free men?" Asked Rizal in a puzzled way, as if confused and conflicted about the suggestion of his leader.

"It is our goal but are we aligned to such a person? Someone who disregards the well-being of his people and subjects them to his will forcefully using threats like this? Isn't he just like those Spaniards who ruled with and iron fist and abused our people? That man is just like Wilhelm of Germany, someone who rules through tyranny and brute force, are you willing to serve under a man such as him?" said Graciano willfully, with fire burning in his eyes as anger and sorrow course through his veins, he isn't willing! he isn't willing to be a subject of such a man!

Rizal was visibly enlightened by Graciano's words, there is still worry in his face but aside from that there is now resolution visibly coursing in his body, he immediately replied;

"No! I'm not willing to be such a person! I am not willing to serve a tyrant such as him! It is way beyond my character and my moral ethics!"

The duo continued on discussing about the contents of the letter.

Unbeknownst to both of them though, a mosquito is currently lurking in their vicinity, listening to their conversation.

Upon hearing their consensus, the mosquito immediately conveyed the message to a dog of Leandro's people just outside the building, this dog in turn conveyed the judgment with the use of body language to confer the result.

Seeing that the results came negative, Leandro's men immediately signaled for the the commencement of the supposed plan to kidnap these people to bring them to Renaldo.

5 men and their dogs immediately stormed the building and subdued the two people.

"Tie them up and knock them out, bring them to the nearest port city and wait for the other members of their movement so that everything will be done in one fell swoop, remember to be as discreet as possible and never let anyone catch you, if any authorities managed to get a hold of your position, don't take any risks and immediately kill the captives and yourselves, that's an order! Understood?"

"Sir yes sir!" the men in black immediately knocked the two people out without letting them speak as everything that should be said has been said in their conversations, the men aren't interested in engaging in a conversation with traitors.

This event happened all over the world as various propagandists and future propagandists are either captured in the same way or came on their own accord.
