
Just how many girls did he sleep with?

I stood next to the cool guy while our opponent team was on the other side. 

I actually checked the rules of this fight this morning and apparently, even if all my teammates were defeated and I was the last one standing, we'd still win as a team. Of course, whoever fell first would get one point, the next- two points, and the last one standing 3. And if all three were left standing as they won, only the points from the qualifying matches would be taken into account to declare the actual winner. 

And if there were ties, they'd make us fight again on the spot. 

The whole thing sounded like a major drag, honestly.

'Should I just blast them all away with radiation and win by force or something?' That looked like a very tempting option at this point. 

"I would appreciate if you didn't taint me with your powers." The voice came from my left. The cool guy had spoken.
