
Chapter 241

"Okay," Prince Ron agreed, snaking his arms around his beloved’s neck as Zedekiel began to run, his pace swift.

As the trees blurred past them, a thought entered Prince Ron’s mind. Back during the fight between his beloved and the Dark Lord, it had felt like he could hear and feel the trees around him. He could also hear the earth, as if it was alive and right when he wanted the Dark Lord to stop moving, the earth turned to quicksand and sucked in his feet while the vines held him in place. He felt like the earth and vines had reacted to his emotions and did exactly what he was thinking.

Was it possible that he, too, had powers? But how? Could it be because of his bond with his beloved? But he was human and he didn't know any magic. How could the earth and trees obey him? He shook his head. It definitely couldn't be him. Maybe it was his beloved who did it.
