
Chapter 227

But Zedekiel's hand went farther and he picked up a bowl of shrimps which he began to meticulously peel and place in Prince Ron's bowl one by one. They all groaned lowly.

Oblivious to the atmosphere, Prince Ron ate the shrimps with relish, occasionally feeding his beloved a piece or two. He noticed the goldenberries in a bowl beside his plate and wolfed them down too. He felt Netheridge cooking was the best.

The Queen Mother sighed. Prince Ron was so easy going. He had downed the wine and goldenberries in a matter of minutes while her son had not even tasted the wine. If she had known, she would have laced his entire food with aphrodisiac.

Princess Rose was fuming. Her brother had already drank the wine which meant Princess Mariel was secure but what about her? The King had not taken even a tiny sip!
