
Chapter 63

"But your highness, it is very cold in Netheridge. You can't wear such clothes out!" the bodyguard, Leo said, exasperated. "You're not even feeling well. If you go out like this, you'll surely catch a cold. Your highness, please, reconsider!"

"Reconsider what?" Prince Ron snapped as he fixed the flimsy robe over his body. "I like this colour. This is what I want to wear and I don't even feel cold. It is my body so what's it to you?"

They were within the King's Chambers. Zedekiel had gone to attend to an urgent matter so Prince Ron decided to dress up for his dungeon date. None of the King's clothes fit him so he asked a servant to bring the thinnest clothes she could find. Something that couldn't protect a person from the biting cold of the Netheridge Kingdom.
