
Chapter 18

My most recent episode was the one caused by Ryu but it wasn't extreme so I didn't the need to mention it. Things weren't the least bit better between us. In fact, when morning came and he gave me my dry uniform and belongings, I hightailed it out of there and flagged a taxi and went to school. I didn't even turn to see the look on his face.

Actually, seeing Ryu in the morning, dressed in nothing but boxers, his full sculpted torso on display, did all sorts things to my body and heart. I felt the strong need to trace those abs. I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to kiss me again and damn, I would have actually done something if I didn't leave.

Now when we pass each other in the halls, I immediately look away, determined to not have any sort of contact with him whatsoever. If I did, he'll destroy whatever sanity I have left.

"I can see you're happy Aito" Dr Desai said, interrupting my thoughts. "Keep taking those drugs and notify me once you run out. We'll take a break to see your progress. Maybe you won't even need more"

I let out a relieved sigh. Finally he's leaving. Happy my ass. I'm not happy at all. I'm never ever happy. I'll only be happy when my revenge is complete. When I finally meet Aera again.

A meeting where Miss Park's fate will be decided will be held tomorrow in school. My parents had been contacted and will be coming tomorrow afternoon. I'm also required to be there. To be honest, I couldn't wait.

I then escorted Dr Desai to the door and bid him goodbye.


"Happy birthday bro!" Toshiro beamed, draping an arm over my shoulder and pulling me to his side. "Sorry we didn't remember yesterday man. That thing with Miss Park was hot news"

Yua nodded, giving me a guilty smile. "It's not like we forgot completely Aito-kun. We're gonna make it up to you"

"Yes! Anything you want! Just say the word" Sakura said.

Haruto just sat there giving me a sheepish smile. He shouldn't feel bad. I had him doing some work for me so it's natural that he didn't remember.

I rolled my eyes. I honestly didn't care about the rest. I even forgot my birthday was on Monday. Too many things happened that day.

We were at the cafeteria, eating lunch together as usual. I shrugged Toshiro’s arm off my shoulder. "I'm not mad about that guys" I said. "Besides, I know you want to hear the full gist of what happened between me and Miss Park"

Three heads simultaneously nodded. One, which was Toshiro’s, bobbed up and down like a child eager for candy. This guy's love for gossip is off the charts.

Time to start the act. I wore an utterly heart wrenching sad expression, with a little moisture in my eyes to make it look like the whole thing affected me deeply. The atmosphere went gloomy as my friends realized this was a serious matter.

Haruto, my best bud, heightened the situation by taking my hand and giving it a firm squeeze. "Whatever it is, you can tell us man. We're your friends and friends help each other out" he said.

Toshiro’s eyes widened as he secretly took out his phone but I acted as if I didn't see it. He was doing exactly what I wanted him to do. He was going to record me speak and play it for the whole world to hear.

"I-I don't know where to start" I stuttered, lowering my head. Toshiro rubbed my back. "Start wherever bro. Take your time"

"Remember the day Miss Park asked me to stay behind, saying it was about tutoring?" I asked.

"Yes. We remember" Yua replied in a gentle tone. Ha! The Ice Queen went soft for my acting.

"Well it wasn't just that. She told me she likes me and she wanted me to sleep with her"

They gasped. I bet they all thought I screwed her just because I could, considering my reputation among students. But I'll change this whole thing now.

"Of course I said no" I continued. "What would I do with a woman like her? But then she threatened to fail me. I didn't care since my parents could help me work it out especially when I tell them what she said but then, she said she'll fail Toshiro"

"Fuck" Toshiro cursed.

"She knew he needed maths because the coach had threatened to take him off the team if he didn't pass and he won't get to play in the finals this year. We all know how important it is to him. Besides, his dad is gonna freak if he fails so... I agreed"

I made my voice small and the tone pained. I made it seem like I had endured years of agony. I even let a tear roll down my eye.

"That bitch!" Yua exclaimed.

"It was horrifying" I cried. "Y-You can't even begin to imagine. Miss Park is into shit like bondage and spanking. It was humiliating. S-She tied me up and blindfolded me a-and-"

I stopped abruptly, leaving the rest to their imaginations. I bowed my head, pretending to cry, letting out fake tears as Haruto consoled me.

Sakura began to crack her knuckles. "We should teach her a lesson"

"I-I can't believe this" Toshiro stuttered. "Shit I'm sorry Felix. You did this for me. I'm so sorry". I noticed him tremble. He must be imagining being tied down and blindfolded, spanked and forced to fuck someone against your will but to Toshiro and his dirty mind, I'm sure he was trembling from excitement. The kinky fucker. I knew all about his sick fantasies.

"It's okay Toshiro-kun" I said, trying to muster a smile. "I'll do anything for you bro"

They all looked guilty . They knew the experience was traumatic to me.

"We don't need to do anything" Haruto said. "The school has arranged a meeting to discuss what happened. I'm sure they'll come up with a proper punishment"

"I hope she gets jailed" Yua said. "She sexually assaulted a student. The police has to be involved"

"Yes Aito-kun. You must take this to the police. Miss Park must be punished. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. It must have been horrifying and you silently took everything" Sakura said. "Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped"

I shook my head. "She'd just fail you guys anyway"

"Thank you for everything Aito-kun. I don't know how I can repay you" Toshiro said, looking close to tears. "Let's party to tonight to celebrate your birthday"

Yua whacked him on the head. "You idiot! You think that's what he needs in this kind of situation? We'll support you till everything ends and then we'll go out for a nice dinner. Just five of us. We'll hang out like the old times. No booze, no loud music. Just a couple of video games, maybe watch some movies and eat lots of junk food. I'll host"

I finally cracked a smile. "I'd really like that".

Fools. Such big fools. Don't worry. It'll all be your turns soon.
