
Chapter 30

Hugo reached for his phone and groaned internally upon seeing the ID. He had already expected this call to arrive, that wasn't what bothered him but the fact that it always was a ringtone or phone that seemed to interrupt them. He looked at Remi for a second before turning around to take the work-related call.

“I sent you the steps to follow. What is the matter” he asked, his tone going back to his business-like one.

Remi stared at him, taking in his severe features and wide back. His working shirt made her think about how cruel it was that he had to work even this late. ‘Wait, what time is it?’ she asked herself, taking her phone out to look at it; and her eyes widened at the sight. Almost Midnight.

Time had flown away ever since she had gone to Hugo’s office. In fact, it even looked as if the horrible events she had experienced that same evening had happened days ago.
