
005 Meeting the Kazekage, again and traveling to konoha (edited)

I wake up and look at the early morning sky outside my window. A headache hits me as I remember passing out as soon as I laid on my bed. *sigh* ''I didn't even think about how i was going to explain my kagune. I should've waited and introduced it later but now? I'm pretty sure i'm going to get called to the Kage's office again tomorrow. But hey, at least these are pretty badass." I say as I pull out my tail and wings. But i notice a problem. I don't have a very good control over them. Its like i forgot how to walk and need to go into rehabilitation but with my tail and wings. I can pull them out and put them away at will but controlling them is hard.

I practice using my tails first for the next couple hours trying to get the hang of using them. Using my kagune very quickly became natural to me. I don't have an amazing fine tune control, but i can pick up objects and use them pretty easily. Onto the wings! I wonder if i can fly using my wings? I do have six of them. Just as I was about to practice, i hear a knock on my door. "Just a second, Ill be right out!" I bring my kagune back into my body and go to see who is at the door. "Hello Baki-sensei, do we have a mission already?"

"No not yet, we will after we finish meeting Kazekage-sama." He says in a gruff voice.

We head to the Kazekage's office, again. We're let in by his secretary.

"Hello Kazekage-sama. I heard you wanted to meet with me today?"

"Yes i did Rokuro. I hear your Kekkei genkai has evolved? May i see it?"

"Hai Kazekage-sama." I say as i pull out my kagune. My wings just hang lightly off my back while my tail is swishing side to side.

"Hmm, what are these? They don't look like your chakra rods. Explain."

"Hai, I call this my Kagune. I guess you could say its a part of my body. Like an extra organ by the bottom of my spine that allows my to produce this. Its very very durable. And im working on trying to control them better so i can use them in battle. I can split my tail into three" I lied as i would like to have a small part of my abilities kept secret. I'm 90% sure that if I refused to show him my kekkei genkai then i would probably be executed.

"I see, you may go. You have a quota of completing 5 D-rank missions by the end of each week Baki."

"Yes sir!"

We leave the Kazekage's office to meet gaara and kankuro for our first team training. We head to the small Oasis type grove of trees with a small pond in the center. The only one that can be found in Sunagakure. As we get there Baki-sensei explains that for today and tomorrow we aren't going to do any missions but we are going to train together. He wanted to teach us tree walking and water walking but gaara and I already knew it. Baki Made two rock clones, and walked off with kankuro to teach him. He may have the necessary chakra control to use the technique but its still a learned skill. Baki Clone #1 Sparred with me to help me get a better hold on my kagune while Baki Clone #2 sparred with gaara.

"Ok Rokuro. I want to fight with you using just your kagune. We need to get you used to this new ability of yours.


I dash at Baki attacking him with the small crystals that my wings shoot out. He successfully blocks them all and i frown. 'Ok different tactic. I wrap my wings around my arms for some better attack power. I can split my two wings into six at the cost of length. My wings stick out from my body about 6-7 feet. while if im using four wings its 5-6 feet out and six wings is 4-5 feet out.

*Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* *Psh* is the sound of me hitting baki. I can tell he is feeling the effects as he is gritting his teeth. I now start attacking with my tails aswell. So now he has to defend from my strong wing attacks and three more quick tail attacks all at the same time. It was fun. Attacking and twisting around in the air in various ways to throw him off. After sparring for another couple hours we stop as its starting to get late.

Later that night after training if one looked you could see Rokuro baking and using his kagune at the same time. He was mixing cookie dough while his three tails spread out to grab ingredients for him to put in the mix.

--Small timeskip six months ahead--

(A.N im not sure what age gaara was when he started the chuunin exams so ill put it as six months after he became a genin)

Its been six months since I became a genin. Boy oh boy have i powered up. Through combat and getting taught me and gaara have become pretty much little monsters. We can easily take three chuunin on at the same time and win. In the last six months we have completed 114 D rank missions, 8 C rank missions, and 1 B rank mission. During this time My mastery over my kagune has become near perfect. I can control all six tails and wings as naturally as breathing. Baki-sensei has called us in for a meeting. Maybe a new mission?

"Hello students of mine, it has come to my attention that the chuunin exams are approaching in three weeks in Konoha. I think your ready, The Kazekage is happy to send you. As you are the cream of the crop here in Sunagakure. Do you wish to join the Chuunin exams?"

"Sir we would love that!" we all say simultaneously. Our teamwork is great, not to mention im pretty sure that kankuro is stronger than his canon counterpart.

"Go pack. And meet me at the gates in three hours.


I reach the apartment i bought a few months ago with all the money i had saved up and start packing a bunch of shit into storage scrolls. Kunai's, shuriken, clothes, rations, and i hear a *Ding!* I go out of my room to see the Macarons and cookies i had made are done. I pull those out of my oven and let them cool while i continue to pack. After they finish cooling i slap them into a couple jar with some preserving seals. I bought this from Kagero town in the land of mountains. They were pretty close to Uzushiogakure so i'm guessing they managed to get a few minor seals, this one being one of them. I finish packing and rush off to the gate as i notice im almost late. Waiting for the food to finish baking cost me a bit of time. At the gate i see Shuno-sensei, Baki-sensei, gaara, temari, Kankuro, and two others i didn't bother to remember.

"Hey everyone, sorry i'm late i was packing a few extra things."

*sniiff* *Sniiiiiiiiiiff* "Rokuro, I can smell them, give, me, THOSE COOKIES!"

"SHIT!" I start running away from gaara to protect my precious creations

Baki: "Lets go! Waiting anymore will make us late for the exams."

--Timeskip One week--

We arrive in Konoha. Gaara completely forgot about the cookies so i have a full stock.

Baki: "You may go explore the village. I will go talk to the Hokage. Keep your Chuunin ID'S on you at all times."

Since the gate Gaara decided to adopt a stoic personality to everyone besides his family and I. I grab his arm and say "Come on gaara! lets go explore!"

Walking around the village i hear a shrill squeak. Looking at gaara, we decide to go investigate it. I see Kankuro Holding a child up by his collar. Naruto on the ground and Sakura making her annoying shrilly voice go really high.

"Kankuro! Put the child down!" I say when I see him. He looks at me and goes back to what he was doing. A tick mark appears on my face at the blatant disrespect. I pull my kagune out and aim the blade at his neck. "Kankuro. I wont ask again. I said, put the child down. Now! Or i will beat you." Kankuro drops the child and says ''But Ku-" Now!" he walks off mumbling something about brats.

"I'm sorry for that child" i say as i pull my jar of macarons out of my bag. "Here have a macaron, it will make you feel better." I hand him the macaron and he nibbles on it happy he got some tasty sweets but a bit upset he was treated like that.

"Well best be on my way" i say as i pull my kagune back into my body. As i start walking off gaara appears on my right as temari walks on my left i hear "Wait! State Your business in the hidden leaf Village!" I roll my eyes and look at sakura "We are here for the chuunin exams." I say as i start to walk off but think, 'Maybe i should talk to naruto and see if he wants to be friends. Cant have too many Connections in this world. I turn around and ask "Hey blondie! If you tell me where a good restaurant to eat at, ill buy you some with my team."

Naruto perks up at this and says "Sure!" Sakura hisses at him and says, "naruto you idiot! we dont even know them!"

"So?" Naruto says back. He had gotten over his infatuation with her after he realized she would never stop treating him like garbage. He gives us directions to ichiraku ramen and we introduce ourselves.

"Well naruto is it? I'm Rokuro. You may call me Kuro. The stoic one is Gaara, my best friend."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and i'm gonna be Hokage someday! Believe it!" He says giving that signature heartwarming Naruto Uzumaki-style smile."

"Okay" i reply.

Naruto double takes at this. "Okay? You're not going to mock my dream and say i cant do it?"

"Why would i do that?"

Naruto tears up a tiny bit but not enough to notice. The food in ichiraku is to die for. I'm starting to believe those fanfictions that say Teuchi is secretly a Ramen god. We go on talking and i tell him a small bit about the chuunin exams. We say our goodbyes and go to the hotel we are staying in.

--Small timeskip 3 weeks--

The chuunin exams first section starts today. I'm currently standing in a corner listening to get any type of information i can about anything. I look over and see Naruto and his team enters to talk with the rest of the rookie nine. Kabuto tells them off for being too loud and pulls out his ninja info cards. 'I wonder who sasuke is going to ask about now? gaara didn't step in so im like 98% sure he wont ask about him.

Sa: "Give me information on Rock lee of the leaf village Rokuro, of sunagakure, and Gaara of sunagakure.

'Did naruto tell him my name? he was there sitting on that tree branch when kankuro attacked konohamaru.'

Ka: "Aww, That's no fun, you know their names. Oh well, Rock lee of the leaf first. He has completed 189 D rank missions, and 27 C rank missions. His Jonin sensei is might guy, and apparently his chakra channels are too small so he cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu. Just taijutsu.

Sa: 'What?! he can only use Taijutsu? How was he so fast!?'

Next we have gaara of the sand. He uses his sand as an ultimate defense and weapon. Really versatile. His Jonin sensei is Baki. He has completed 114 D rank missions, 8 C rank missions, woah! one B rank mission without getting even so much as a scratch on him!

The rookie nine is dumbfounded.

Lastly Rokuro of the hidden sand. Ooh he has some juicy info. He was born in sunagakure as an orphan but with two kekkei genkai. One is a black rod like construct that will suck out your chakra if it touches you. Second is his Kagune. Its a Pair of wings and a tail that he can make come out at will. He can make his wings Multiply into six and fire red blood like crystals that are very sharp, his tail can multiply into three. He has completed 114 D rank missions, 8 C rank missions, and 1 B rank mission. His Jounin-sensei is Baki. From this it says he is just as dangerous as gaara of the sand.

Shikamaru sighs." *Sigh* we have such troublesome opponents."

A Sound Ninja was 'Angry' kabuto insulted his village and attacked kabuto. I figured i'd show my prowess a little and stop him as thanks of letting me know what he and orochimaru had on me. I grabbed the sound ninja's arm before he could react and pinned him to the ground.

I hear a voice that says "Alright no fighting get in your seats!"

---Quest! Become a chuunin!-

You need to become a chuunin to progress! so do it!.

Reward: +3 to all stats. Part of next cheat!.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A small gift of a longer chapter this time as an apology of not posting the last couple days

Stats (Averages, Before, After)

Average Jounin Overall: 360.0 (45 in each stat)

Average Chunin Overall: 240.0 (30 in each stat)

Average Genin Overall: 170.0 (20 in each stat)

Average Fresh academy graduate Overall: 80.0(10 in each stat)


Name: Rokuro

Age: 12

Title: Genin


(Agi) 24.9

(Dex) 18.1

(Int) 22.7




(exp) 10.4

Overall: 149.5

Abilities: Highly malleably chakra rods. Cooking Kagune Chimera: Rinkaku, Ukaku.


Name: Rokuro

Age: 12

Title: Genin


(Agi) 35.9

(Dex) 28.1

(Int) 32.4




(exp) 25.5

Overall: 248.2

Im going to add a title system to his system. Titles wont give benefits but if he unlocks the chunin title he will get part of his next cheat
