
Chapter 212: A Special Gift

“Okay, Jessi. We’ll leave Gomez and his lovely fiancée to this fine vessel. You and I are staying elsewhere tonight.” He beamed at Jessi, a mysterious twinkle in his eye.

Jessi, having donned her beach cover-up once again, retrieved her suitcase and tote bag. She hugged Trish and allowed Judd to help her onto the dock.

“You lovebirds go get settled. We’ll meet you for dinner in a couple of hours. This place has a 5-star restaurant,” Alex grinned.

“In the restaurant, 7:00. We’ll be there,” Judd promised.

He hoisted his and Jessi’s bags onto his left shoulder and held out his right hand to her. “Come on and let’s see what the weekend holds for us.”

When they reached the end of the dock, Jessi turned and scanned the property in all directions. The water was fluid turquoise, while the land was a mix of green grass and sandy beach. A smattering of two-story hotel buildings in various pastel tones dotted the property, accented by coconut palms and lush tropical vegetation.
