
Chapter 2 : Meet Grim the reaper ( and his not so important friend Death )

Larry was panicking. He screamed for his mother, although he knew that it was pointless. " MUM, MUM! " he yelled at her face, but she didn't even flinch and it made Larry looked stupid. " MOTHER!!!" Larry keep yelling and if I could see Ghosts I'll tell him he looked real stupid. Up where Death and Grim was, still eating lunch...( What took those motherfuckers so long? ) Then Death got a ring from his rock phone (phone made of rock ). " Wait Grim, someone's calling me, gotta answer this. " Death told Grim. He then left the table for a few feet away to answer it. Grim just watched him as he come back 2 minutes later looking excited. " So, that's good news? " Grim asked. " Yes, it's very Grim! now don't mind me I'm gonna pick up this soul, just wait here ok? " Death told Grim the news. " Well, yous hurry then ! Is can't wait to lay me eyes on this soul. " Grim said also feeling excited.

" Larry? Are you done with the laundries? " Larry's mum suddenly yelled and Larry jumped. " Larry? Answer me!" His mom yelled again. " Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Mum's gonna panic if she saw my body Oh God, what to do..." Larry was now frustrated, His mum can't see and hear him so he can't block her and he's pretty sure she's going to have one of her weird heart attacks. Larry suddenly shouted once more when someone pat him in the shoulder. " Woah, chill man I'm not gonna hurt you. ", " What the fuck are you?! " Larry asked the guy. " It's not nice to say that I'm like some sort of a different species, (which you are death) Names Death, and you must be Larry Dumbsworth ? " Death asked. " Yes, that's me..." Larry said looking at Death with a confused face. " Cool nice to meet ya. " Death greeted. " Yea... you too..." Larry responded completely forgetting about his mum. "LARRY! LARRY! WAKE UP HONEY!" He suddenly heard his mother screamed and cried, now he remembers his mother. " Oh, shit, my mother. " Larry panicked and ran up the stairs. " Hey wait up man. " Death shouted and followed him. Larry can do nothing but just watch his mother crying in a weird squeal over his dead body. "Oh, mum..." Larry was staring at his mother with a sad face. " LARRY, PLEASE WAKE UP... I THOUGHT YOURE MAKING OUT WITH THE FLOOR AND GONE MENTAL, I WAS WRONG PLEASE WAKE UP...." His mother cried once more. " Wait what?!" Larry questioned himself his face turned into a confused yet angry face. " Well, man you just gotta let it go, you are dead. " Death told him as he looked at his mother. " And she sure made a point, you do look like your making out with the floor. " Death added with a laugh. " Shut the fuck up, Death it's not funny ! " Larry shouted at Death. " We got to go man, Grim's wating for you. " Death said as he hold Larry's arm. " Wait!..." Larry pulled his arm from Death's grasp. " I am not going anywhere until you told me how I died, I literally have no fucking medical records and I am sure I didn't get shot , stabbed or poisoned. " Larry demanded. " Well, it's complicated, I'll explain it to you later when we arrive at the border. " Death said with an annoyed tone (i think he can sense Larry's stubbornness). " No, I'm not gonna go anywhere ! " Larry whined (turns out Death's right). " Fine, I'll tell ya. I actually didn't know what your cause of death is. " Death sighed. " What do you mean by that? Your death himself! " Larry complained. " Well, i didn't take people's lives just for fun, Satan was in charge on whose live I took and how I will kill them. The Satan send me your name but with no cause of death which frustrated me, but I have a secret weapon that Satan gave me for these type of stuff, but it rarely happens. So I used the weapon, the weapon didn't put a cause of death on you because it took your soul instantly without damaging anything. " Death explained. " Oh... i see..." Larry said while rubbing his chin. " Can we go now? " Death asked with an annoyed tone . " Wait, can I meet with Satan to ask him? " Larry asked. " Well that's up to Grim honestly. " Death said. " Alright then let's go, but wait before that..." Larry leaned into his mother and patted her before standing up. " Ok... let's go.". " Wow you're an asshole huh, not even giving his mother a kiss before going to the afterlife, i did that with my ma. " Death insulted as he grabbed Larry's arm. Larry sneered at him and then they teleported.

They both arrived at the border behind a fat man. " I'll leave you here now lots of work to do. " Death said. " Hey wait but where am- " Death disappeared before he could continue his sentence (talking about an asshole). " Fuck him " Larry mumbled. He then looked infront of him and saw a line full of souls, he looked at his side and saw a sign saying 'Grim the Reaper's Check out post!' and underneath it, it said 'The best post to check you out to your afterlife!'. " Umm... excuse me sir, do you know why there's a lot of people lining up here? " Larry asked the man in front of him. " They said that this is the place to check you out to heaven or hell, now stop bothering me kid. " The fat man answered rudely. " Umm... thanks I guess." Larry said with a sarcastic tone. Hours went by, and when Larry thought he was going to go mental, it's finally his turn. " Yea, yea, yea Is make sure Is never see yous face again! " Grim yelled at the fat man. " Alright next one this better be good. " Grim said looking at Larry. " Hey, Grim I would like to talk to Satan please! " Larry demanded. " And what's yo business with Satan? " Grim answered while yawning. " I wanted to ask him why I die! " Larry said. Grim then suddenly jumped up and his face got excited, " Say, is yous name Larry Dumbsworth? ". " Yeah, that's me... " Larry answered. " My, my, yous do look really pretty." Grim said as he examined Larry head to foot. " So... Can I contact Satan ? " Larry ask awkwardly. " No, yous can't, because if yous want to contact Satan, yous need to do some shit first. " Grim said. " Oh shit, here we go again." (see that GTA San Andreas quote xD).
