
Chp. 10: Nola sees the doctor at school. Finally, she attempts to get some help. No more toilet time for Elon… right?

So today, Elon wants me to see the school psychologist. It's still summer vacation so we're not in school but he insists I go there anyways. But I already saw the psychologist before and he said that he wasn't qualified to handle the situation.... but I didn't tell him the entire thing either. I didn't tell him that I make Elon go inside the bathroom with me.

I really don't want to tell him. I rather just be quiet about this. Oh, why can't I just have Elon come with me to the bathroom? Is it really that bad?

Of course it is. I can see how anguished he is. He doesn't like it. I should be considerate of his feelings.

Okay, I'm going then. I just got to let my parents know and use the toilet.

"Mom, dad, I'm off with Elon."

My mom doesn't look too happy as she says,"Honey, I keep telling you, there is nothing wrong with you. This is all Elon's selfishness. How can he be so inconsiderate to my baby?"

"No, mom. He's right. This is a problem. He's going to college and... he doesn't want to come with me."

Then my dad speaks up, "what do you mean he doesn't want to? He's a man, isn't he? Of course he has to go."

"What does being a man have to do with this?"

"It is the man's job to protect their loved ones, and he's abandoned his duty because of his selfish desires. I tell you, kids these days are so self-centered."

"Well, then, will you come with me to the bathroom, dad?"

"What?" my dad looks around him. He then coughs and continues reading his paper. It's not like I was asking for a favor, only Elon can make me go, but still...

"Sweetie," my mom continues, "don't go, okay? We can figure something else. How about we find a new boy to go with you."

"Mom, that's impossible."

"No no no. I'm just going to put an ad on the paper and-"

"No, mom, don't do it. Please, don't do it."

"I was just joking."

"No, you weren't. Don't do that, please."

"Okay, fine."

"I mean it, mom!"

"Okay, yeah, alright, I won't do it."

"I'm going now," and I step out of my apartment. I got to his apartment, we got to the bathroom and then we drive to school.

I walk up to the gates and tell them I have an appointment. They eventually let me in, but not Elon. I'm so nervous, I wish he could come with me, but he would most likely refuse.

I guess I got no choice.


"Where's Dr. Duck?"

"He's off for the summer. My name is Dr. Rarity and I will be helping you today."

"I see." I guess it doesn't matter who it is, I'm still so embarrassed, but perhaps talking to a woman may be better... I hope.

"So, Ms. Uro, what brings you here?"

"Well, you see... the thing about me is... mmmm...."

"According to this, you have problems going to the bathroom, right?"

"What?" Oh no, she pulled out my record. Why did she do that? I was going to tell her... no I wasn't, who am I kidding.

"According to this, you said you can't go unless someone is waiting for you outside, particularly a friend called Elon."

"Not... exactly. The thing is... I can't go... without.... mmmmmmmm..." I can't! I can't tell her, but I have to, for Elon's sake!

"You can't go without, what? Don't be afraid. You are safe here." I can't. All I can do is just clamp my mouth and just nod. I can't do it. "Ms. Uro, please, tell me. I can't help you if you are not honest with me."

Man or woman, it doesn't matter. I can't tell anyone. No way. Maybe this was a mistake. I can't I can't I...




Oh no...

"I'm sorry Doctor, but I have to go," and I barge out of the office. I head straight to the gates where Elon was waiting and tell security "I need to speak to him inside."

"He needs a pass."

"The doctor said it was okay, so please let him in. This is an emergency!"

"I'm sorry but he needs a pass."

"Nola," says Elon, "what's going on."

I grab him and pull him inside.

As I'm dragging him, he asks me, "Nola, what happened?"

"I need to use the toilet."

"Again? We just went this morning."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly have the urge."

"Nola, I don't want to enter the bathroom at school. Someone could come in."

"It's okay, it's during summer vacation."

"There's some students with summer classes, however."

I push him into the girl's bathroom and we go into the stall. He didn't bring his things so he covers his ears with his hands and I... use the toilet, let's go with that.

I feel so bad. I can't believe that I had to go in the middle of my meeting with the doctor. I don't know what happened. We did go to the bathroom before we came here, but I just had to go again. I feel so embarrassed about this.

Then suddenly, someone else enters the bathroom. Oh no, we're stuck in here. Elon starts to scoot over as close to the toilet. I'm so sorry Elon.

"So you need your friend to enter the toilet with you?"
