
Nola gets diarrhea and Elon… well… sorry Elon

My name is Nola and... I can't go to the bathroom without my best friend Elon. No, it's not that he needs to be outside, but... he has to come with me inside.

I know, it's weird, but I can't go without him. This has been happening since we were kids. I swore I would get over it and go by myself. That was when I was in grade school.

But eventually...

I... started getting used to it...

I know, it's bad. I mean, he doesn't like it. He's never liked it. I feel so bad.

But... I just can't go... without him.

I swore to him I would seek psychiatric help, but my parents won't pay for it. They say it's fine if he goes with me. Maybe that's where I got used to having him come with me.

But I know it's not right. I can see it in his face. He doesn't like it. He really doesn't want to go with me.

I tried going by myself, but it just won't... ugh... I don't even want to think about it. I just can't.

This is even worse in public bathrooms. I definitely can't go with everyone around me. If I can barely do it in private, what makes anyone think I can do it with people around me?

I tried many things but nothing works. I just can't go. I need Elon with me... I feel so bad for him.

==Elon's POV==

Alright, summer vacation! Time to have some fun with my friends and put aside school work. Not that's it hard for me. The homework over the summer is nothing to me. I'll finish it in no time.

I'm going to hang out with my friends and have some fun... after Nola uses the toilet, that is.

Here's the thing: Nola will eventually want to use the bathroom during the day. So that means that she has to come with me as I am having fun with my friends. But when that time comes, I'll have to excuse myself and escort her, which is going to be very awkward to explain to my friends. That's why, instead, I just wait till she has to do her business and then I am free for the entire day. Of course, I'd rather she do it in the morning and get it over with it. I think her body has gotten used to this as around 11 in the morning, she usually does it.

No, this is not normal at all. Not at all! But this is what my life has become. Trust me when I tell you, you get used to it.

So here I am, in my room, waiting for Nola to give me the phone call to let me know she needs to go. Once that happens, I am free for the entire day.

I get a knock on the door.

"Honey," it's my mom, "it's Nola." Nola? She was suppose to at least text me. "Her mother says she's sick."


I get off bed and head over to her apartment. Her parents lead me to the living room. There she was, laying on the couch.

"She has an upset stomach."

Upset stomach? Does that really qualify as being sick?

Either case, I check on her, "Nola, are you okay? Why didn't you call me?"

She didn't respond. All she can do was give me this very weird face. What does that mean?

"Elon," her mother says, "we need you here all day."

"All day?"

"She needs your help."

"My help? I don't know what to do in this situation."

"It's okay. I'll take care of her. We just need you to take her to the bathroom."

"Yeah, I get that, which is what I'm waiting for. I'm just waiting for her to tell me- wait a minute... all day?"

It then dawned on me...

Her stomach starts to gurgle and moan loudly. Oh no, I don't like the sound of that.

She gets up and grabs me by the arm and pulls me to the bathroom.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no no no no no no!

WHY! OH WHY! Why now, during my free time?

Yeah, that's right, she has diarrhea. I'll spare you the details out of consideration. Let's just say the canned air freshener was emptied in that moment and her mother had to buy another.

Thus, I had to cancel my trip with my friends. Ah, we were going out to the beach, just mess around, maybe I could even ask Heather out on a date; that's a girl I like.

But no, not today.

But she is sick, even if it is just a stomach problem. I don't count that as sickness. But... yeah, she does have... you know... I should be more considerate of her feelings.

So here I am, messing with my phone as Nola sits on the couch, looking all depressed. I assured her that it's fine, it's only the beginning of summer vacation, there's plenty of time for me to enjoy it. Still, she feels so guilty about it but it could be due to her being weak.

There it is again. That gurgling, growling noise from her stomach. Sounds like something is trying to escape. And yeah, escape it will.

Oh great.

She's grabbed my arm. Time to go. At least she's wearing disposable gloves throughout all this. And this time, I have my clothes pin, even though I can still FEEL the aura of the stink. Earphones as well, of course.

This went for some time. Maybe she really is sick. She actually ended up with a fever and is now lying on the couch. Her mom says she'll be better by tomorrow. I hope so.

It's 3 in the afternoon. She feels too sick to do much. I'm just sitting here playing on my phone.

"Elon," I hear from her. It's that time again, I guess. I try to help her get up but she can't.

She can't get up? She's so weak she can't get on her feet. I have carry her by her shoulders.

Umm... okay...

So I take her to the toilet like this. I lift the lid and place her on top.

I turn around and do my usual.

"Elon..." I hear again. I turn around and... she's just sitting there.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel so weak..."

What... is she talking about? I go over to her and feel her forehead.

"Nola, you're burning up. I'm going to take you back to the couch."

As I try to grab her, she then speaks, "I still need to go..."

So she did need to use the toilet. I place her down again.

"Alright, but do it quick so we can inform your mom."

"Elon... help me..."


"I can't... pull down... my panties..."







OH.... NO!



I have never once, not once, in all our years of doing this, have I ever had to actually assist her in HER bathroom duty. Yes, she was sick before, but I've never had to actually make contact. In fact, the closest I have ever come is... right now. I had to place her down as I held on to her skirt so it would be easier for her, HER, to pull down her own underwear.

"Nola, I'm not going to."

"Please, Elon..."

"Let me get your mom."


I dart out of the bathroom. It's fine. She can't go without me there, so she'll just hold it in. But then I remembered that her mom was not home. Then my mom will have to do.

I got to my apartment.

"Mom, Nola needs you."

"Me? Why?"

"She's too weak, she can't pull down her underwear and her mom is not home."

"Then you should of-"

I put my hand on her mouth. "No. Mom, that's crossing the line. I'm not going to touch her. Please, come with me!"

I drag her to the neighbor's bathroom but I stop on my tracks just a few feet away. A very foul odor was emitting fromit.

The word 'foreboding' comes to mind.

We go to the bathroom. Yeah... I'll spare you the details of the utter chaos that the poor toilet had to deal with.

Hours pass, I helped clean the bathroom, and we thanked the landlord for lending us his hose.

Nola passed out but eventually she gain conscience.

"What happened?" she asks.

"A disaster, but don't worry about it. Are you okay?"

"I'm starting to feel better."



"Yeah, I get it. I'll carry you."

"Thank you."


Thank you? Well, she has thanked me before, so I guess this shouldn't be any different.

"Your welcome."

"I think I'll be fine for tonight. You can go home now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

I took her word on it and did as she said. I went home and... whatever.

The next day comes and Nola was up and active when I went to check on her.

"You doing good?"

"Yes. Thank you, Elon."

"Sure. I want to hang out with my friends today. Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"Yeah. We can go right now."

And so we did. Finally, I can start my summer vacation.

I step outside but she follows me. She gestures for me to get close to her. I do and she pulls me forward and kisses me on the cheek. She then gives me a big hug. She then runs into the apartment.

Hugs and kisses? Again, this isn't out of the ordinary. She does this at times. I figured it was her way of pitying me.

What are friends for, I guess.
