
Clancy's Shock

Clancy had made really good headway with the Council. Though they did not feel she was right for the job, they were slowly coming around to see why she was chosen. She was organized, calm at all times, and had a memory like an elephant. In all truth, Clancy hated attending the Council meetings. A fight always broke out between them. 

She felt like she was babysitting children. She had hoped since the two biggest instigators had passed away, her job would be easier. That was not the case. It would seem the remaining council members were vying for the position of head councilmen. It was driving her mad. 

Currently, they were discussing the restoration of the Queen's chambers. It was almost complete. 

"We must have a celebration to thank the workers for all their hard work." Clancy had told them. 

"Is that really necessary, Ma'am?" One council member injected. 
