

Beleth was shielded by the blistering sun by the many heads of the giant. He was grateful for that. The jagged black rocks came into view and he was able to see that the rocks were in the shape of a castle. One that was built from the rocks around it. He also noticed there was snow on its peaks. He thought that interesting. 

They arrived, and the giant allowed him to walk down one of his many shoulders down his wrist and off of his hand successfully. 

He had to look up to see the giant. "Thanks, I guess," B said. 

"Don't thank me yet. This is your eternity. Go." The giant commanded him. 

Beleth made his way to the mouth of the jagged castle. He felt the snowflakes touch his skin. They were like little needles the cold seemed to go bone deep. He was wearing nothing but a loincloth. He wished the judges would have at least let him bring a pair of clothing. 
