

"I only want to protect you and keep you safe from those who wish to do you harm!" He countered. 

This scenario was not going as he had pictured. He had not thought Beatrice would question his loyalty. He made sure to play the part perfectly. William shrugged it off as being part of the ceremony. He had never been privy to an awards ceremony here at Castle Fenway. 

He didn't know what it all entailed. 

"If what you say is true, then you don't mind turning around and looking at your peers and telling them about your loyalty to the people, as well as me, your Sovereign." She announced loudly for all to hear. 

Prince William had never seen Beatrice this way. She was beautiful and calculating. A combination he was attracted to. Where was this Beatrice throughout their courtship and marriage? He wondered. Hell, where was this Beatrice years ago when the palace was abuzz with rumors about her being the family leech until death? 
