
Witch in the woods

"Alright, you two. That is enough! You are both yelling so loud. If there were animals in this decrepit forest, you two have run them off with your incessant bickering. 

Beatrice and Belethe both turned and gave Clancy a dirty look.


"I -I wasn't yelling at him, Clancy, I was just informing him of the situation." Beatrice huffed. 

"Yes, and I was just letting Her Majesty know the promise she made in our last conversation regarding visiting here." He calmly spoke.

"That is not true. I did not promise." Beatrice kept her tone mild as well. 

Watching the couple try not to raise their voices was comical to Clancy. If she wasn't so terrified of being in these woods, she would have laughed. 

"We are here now, so you may as well let me go in." Beatrice reasoned. 

"No," B said.

Beatrice looked at him through squinted eyes. "I will go inside." 
