
True Intentions

"My Lady, are you preparing to see William tonight?" Clancy asked when she saw the very revealing gown Beatrice was wearing. 

"No, Clancy. I-" She looked around her chamber to make sure no one was around. She whispered, " Clancy, something dreadfully wonderful has happened today."

Clancy had never heard her Mistress use those words combined, dreadfully wonderful, and she wondered what that could mean. She didn't have to wonder long, Beatrice told her. 

"This morning, I saw him. He came to me. He is here!" She had a sparkle in her eyes. She almost looked like the old Beatrice. The one who was not burdened with a child or a kingdom. 

"Who is it that you are speaking of, Your Majesty?" Clancy asked.

"The father of my child. He has returned." She announced. 

"The demon! Your Majesty, this can't be good. Why is he here?" Clancy demanded. She knew she sounded worried, and that was because she was. A demon should not be welcome here.

