

 "I just want to help." Beatrice Pleaded.

"Can't you see, there is no help for me! The Archbishop watches us all closely. More closely than he lets on. He is very power-hungry. He is just biding his time." Clancy confessed.

"I know." Beatrice agreed.

"That's why he has this preposterous tainted blood theory worries me." 

Beatrice realized there could be some truth in the words that Clancy spoke. 

"All right, Your Majesty. I will tell you how I know the Archbishop and why my sister and I are at his mercy. But you must promise to not pity me or my kin or to try to help."

Beatrice smiled, glad Clancy trusted her enough to open up to her and speak freely about the ghosts of her past. "I promise I won't, she told her. 
