

Lucifer's wife was going to give her a tour of hell, but that was too hard for her to grasp. Lilith had been a biblical legend for wayward women and now she has to be her guide. Beatrice was excited to be leaving this room. She didn't care who escorted her. As long as she got to go. it could be Lilith, or Lucifer himself.

Beatrice patiently sat at her bathroom vanity as Abigail braided her hair into a braid crown. The ensemble she wore today was in similar fashion to her attire on Earth. The material was of a higher quality, which made her clothes have a elegant, dull sheen.

"You and Silvia always make me look so beautiful," She complimented Abigail.

"Aww, Miss. You are beautiful," she replied, "If you weren't Master surely would have not chose you to be his."

"I am not his." She corrected.
