
Scare Tactics

Princess Beatrice sat in the small room she had been assigned to. She had never been in one this size, let alone resided in one. She felt like this could be her future if she didn't outsmart the Archbishop, and the Clergymen. She'd been sitting alone for several minutes thinking and replaying the events over in her mind. The events had all seemed inevitable.

What was she supposed to do? Let Prince William die? No, she couldn't allow it. If she had to go back in time and do it all over again she would have done the exact same thing.

She decided to look around the Abbey and clear her mind from the dark thoughts.

As soon as she stepped out of her room and closed the door, she saw Clancy rounding the corner, walking directly towards her. When she stood a few feet in front of her she curtsied.

"Clancy, you don't have to curtsy while we were alone, and you don't have to come and seek me out. I am perfectly capable of finding my own way." She fussed.

"I know Your Majesty is capable, but it has been dangerous for you as of late, and I must protect you as best as I can."

Beatrice smiled at her protective sisterly nature.

"The danger is to be expected. My parents kept me shielded from the truth about being a Sovereign. I know that I am not ready, but I know with the right people by my side I can be one. The Council, as out of control as they have become, do have a point in me marrying Prince William. He will not depose me. He will not try to murder me. He is a family friend. He is a true Ally. Something I will need if I'm to pr-properly rule my kingdom. After the coronation I will be able to call on the help of my parents allies and they will be able to take a vote."

"We are close." Clancy encouraged.

They continued to walk down the corridor of closed doors. The silence was eerie. When they made it out they were in the sanctuary of the building. Princess Beatrice was once again taken aback at the natural beauty that surrounded her. An indoor garden filled with fruit trees and colorful flowers, placed where the cobblestone was disrupted and the foundation dirt was exposed.

She marveled at their ingenuity.

"It is breathtaking," she whispered to Clancy.

"Aye, It is ,Your Majesty. Did Mother Superior speak to you about er.... The rules." Clancy was nervous asking.

"Yes. Mother Superior was very clear that I must tow the line and obey her rules, whilst here."

"Well, Your Majesty. You shouldn't be cleaning or gardening. I will be happy to take over your chores if yo-"

"Clancy! No! I will not have Mother Superior thinking I'm a spoiled, entitled brat. I must do it. This is another test and lesson in my leadership."

"It is Your Majesty?"

"Well yes, even Jesus cleaned the feet of His own disciples. A good leader is an excellent follower."

"You're right. Your Majesty, I apologize for my ignorance."

"Clancy, it is fine."

Suddenly Prince William appeared with Mother Superior. "Your Royal Highness, Archbishop Joegoe has requested an audience with you." She said.

"Well, that was faster than expected." Clancy acknowledged.

Beatrice wasn't surprised in the least. She knew he would do anything for power. She made sure her face held a serene look, even though she was terrified on the inside. She clasped her hands in front of her so they wouldn't shake. She took a deep breath.

Then she followed her. Mother's superior led them to the chapel. She pushed open the wooden doors. Beatrice saw the Archbishop standing directly in front of the alter. The look on his face was welcoming, but his eyes told her another story.

He bowed low, waiting for her to cross the distance from the back of the chapel to the front. She made it halfway and stopped. When the Archbishop no longer heard her footsteps he looked up and slowly stood up straight. Princess Beatrice said nothing, knowing her best move was so allow him to speak first.

"Your Majesty, we- I was so worried about you and where you had gone."

"You were? That's ....very kind of you.

Archbishop? How did you find me?"

"Oh, don't you worry about that, Your Royal Highness. What matters now is that you are safe as well as Prince William- I mean.... Is Prince William here with you, Your Royal Highness?"

She knew he already knew the answer to his own question.

He was only asking it to gauge if he still had the proper amount of control over her. She saw through him and wondered how she could have ever trusted him.

"Archbishop, I thank you for your concern. As you can see I am fine. I came here to speak with Mother Superior."

His eyes darted behind her. She watched him try to hide his disgust for the holy woman.

"Ah, Yes, the blessed Mother Superior. I could do that for Her Royal Highness."

"Archbishop if I am to be ruler, then I must make my own way. I cannot stay locked away in the palace."

"Agreed, Your Highness."

There was a long silence.

"How is his Royal Highness?" He asked her once more.

She knew what he was up to. She did not answer.

He continued, "Healer has told me of his miraculous recovery. It would seem God has sent an angel to heal him."

Princess Beatrice's gaze never wavered from the Archbishop's. Had this been a year ago she wouldn't be doing any of this. Back then, she was a stuttering ,naive, royal with no idea of how anything worked. She would have let this man perform a witch trial on herself and William, because she would have been that trusting. Now that wasn't the case.

He continued, "Your Royal Highness, if I could just examine him."

"Archbishop I think it is time for you to take your leave." She countered.

His eyes bugged out at her dismissive tone. "Your Royal Highness, I beseech you to deter from the course you are on at the moment. I know that the devil has you enthralled in sin."

Her eyes squinted at his admission.

"You know Prince William was healed unnaturally. Let me examine him and exercise him so that we can be absolutely sure."

"No." It was one word, but it seemed to echo through the chapel.

Archbishop was surprised by her open defiance, and her tone. He added it to the pile of mounting evidence against her that implicated her as a wanton woman and a witch.

"Why are you protecting this man! If her majesty has nothing to hide, then please allow myself, as well as the council, a chance to see to these things clearly!"

"No as sole heir to this kingdom I have rights, and I am not controlled by you or the council, or anyone. Now, I bid you good day Archbishop."

She turned on our heels ready to leave when she heard muffled cries coming from outside.

She lifted her skirts and quickly walked over to the large, stained glass window that faced the streets. They were two floors above looking down. She wondered how since she had seen no stairs in the nunnery. She saw her own army, a small battalion.

Some were on horseback, while others stood spear or axe in hand ready. It made her heart leap into her throat. She felt the color leaving her face, would he use her very own man against her to get her out of this place. She hadn't expected such brutal tactics, he moved ahead of schedule. And he appeared to be ready for whatever it took to get her out.

She shook off her fear and hate her emotions once more, she turned him then.

"Do you think this scares me?"

"Ah... it is not meant to scare you... just reassure you of your decision. Since it is your decision to stay here my men-your men will stand guard outside the abbey until Her Royal Highness is ready to come home, at which time I will be able to do a proper review. This behavior is troubling Your Royal Highness."

She knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to shake her faith in herself by bringing up her behavior, when in reality the Archbishop was out of line.

"My behavior? Archbishop, you have locked up our only Healer and now want to pray the spirits out of Prince William. It is you, who has gone too far. My parents in the past had always valued your advice, but I fear these last few monthsyou have not offered proper counsel."

His face was white from the shock of her blunt words. It felt so freeing for her to be able to just tell the truth.

"Your Majesty, I am here to serve you." He sounded desperate and disingenuous to her. "I only want to serve you. I can help, give me another chance!" He pleaded. It was pathetic.

Mother Superior spoke up then. "Her Majesty has asked you to leave. Archbishop, in good faith, you must obey and leave this place."

Mother Superior stood with her hands behind her back.

She knew Archbishop had a temper. She was one of the few who did. She wished that she didn't. Right now he was getting his just desserts...
