
Holy Secrets

Mother Superior had been given this position 18 years ago. She had been a new nun, fresh out of the convent ready to do the Lord's work. Her name back then had been Mary Agnes. She was stationed here as a favor to her father, who was a rich royal. The Mother Superior before her drank heavily, but no one seemed to pay any attention.

When she was asked to leave her station she recalled her saying "You don't have the guts for this job!"

She thought she was talking nonsense.

How could a small Nunnery be hard to run? She got her answer four months later when one of the younger sisters by the name of Mary Beth, became pregnant. She had made everyone fast and pray rigorously, hoping someone would break and tell her who had done this to Mary Beth, but no one did.

A few weeks later, The Archbishop showed up in the middle of the night. He had come to collect Mary Beth. He had told her that they were taking her to a place where she would have the child and be back in no time. It never happened. Mary Beth never returned. As time passed the sisters would light a candle in her memory.

Six months later, it happened again. And like clockwork, the Archbishop appeared. It happened five more times. The fifth time she could no longer be complicit and stand by and watch as the Archbishop was the one who was obviously raping and impregnating these young, innocent, sisters.

When the Priests were too busy they would allow her to hear the confessions of the less fortunate. Because of that, the people grew fond of her. She grew to know a Sailor by the name of Jack. As a favor Jack had located where The Archbishop was taking the sisters. He informed Mother Superior Immediately.

She found out they were sold to the highest bidder into marriage to a unmarriable Royal. The children were sold as well. It was complete heartbreak for the women. She felt guilty for not being able to help them sooner by putting her foot down. Now the Council taxed her convent.

Princess Adelaide living with them helped ease the financial burden. She was a royal therefore, they did not have to pay the exhausting tax. Now Princess Beatrice, soon to be Queen was here. Mother Superior knew that she must seize the moment. Hoping that it would be the answer to her prayers.

"I will grant you this sanctuary, Your Royal Highness. Sister Mary Grace, please show Prince William and Good Lady Clancy to their rooms. I will show Princess Beatrice to hers."

Sister Mary Grace bowed her head and nodded submissively. Taking a step forward, and speaking directly to Prince William.

"Please, Your Highness. Lady Clancy. Follow me." They followed her out of the office.

It was just her and the princess.

"I gave you sanctuary, but Your Highness must understand, it also comes with the price."

"What a price? How much gold? Name it, and I shall give it."

"This is a price that has no meaning of gold. Staying here is like living in a magical place, but everyone here does their part to maintain this place. I expect you to do the same. Help weed the plants and check the fountains and gardens. Can you do that,Your Majesty? We will always respect your station, but within these walls I expect you to be treated as an equal."

Princess Beatrice wanted to say 'no', but instead 

she nodded her head 'yes.'

"Living here will be an enriching experience for you, Your Highness."

Princess Beatrice thought she was exaggerating.

"Oh, I also expect you and Prince William to abstain from any-"

"Yes, we will,thank you." She cut her off before she could finish. She felt embarrassed for a nun to be mentioning sex to her.

"Let me show you to your room, Your Highness." She stood up and rounded the desk, standing in front of her.

She was a few inches taller than Princess Beatrice. They exited out of the chamber, and she led her in the opposite direction that led to another hallway. It was sleeping quarters. She and Mother Superior stopped at the last door at the end of the corridor. A small water fountain decorated with water lilies stood directly beside it.

Mother Superior turned to her and spoke, "May God bless us from the storm that is to follow..."
