
A Miracle ...

Princess Beatrice awoke to the sound of light rain gently tapping on her glass windows. Clancy was running towards her.Lately, it felt l l like that was her norm.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness. You told me to alert you if Prince William's condition has changed. It has. He is awake and... and- Well... Your Majesty, I think you should see it for yourself."

Princess Beatrice shot up. He had done it. He had healed, the Prince. She pushed the covers off of her and got out of the bed. Clancy assisted her in getting ready. She nearly ran to the infirmary.

Clancy had a hard time keeping up with her. She descended the large staircase made a left and walked down a dark corridor behind the stairwell. She made another right turn and was at the infirmaries entrance. She stopped when she saw him. It felt like all of her air had been taken from her lungs.

Prince William was alive and awake.

He was sitting on the edge of the cot. He looked 10 times better than what he had in days passed. It felt good to see him well again. She knew who she had to thank for this and it was not God. She felt like last night in his arms she thanked him.

She had made another bargain with him. She didn't know if she would be able to keep it. Looking at Prince William reminded her of all the happier times in her life. He was the only thing left that was familiar to her, other than her home. He and Clancy were all she had left.

He signified her chance at good, wholesome, love. Her feelings were strong for him, and she knew his were stronger for her. He felt the same way about her. How would she marry him and keep her torrid affair secret? She thought.

She didn't know.There were so many unknown variables. It made her wonder why this was all happening to her. She shook off her feelings of self pity. With Clancy by her side she went in the infirmary. Prince William saw her and smiled. She returned it. When she reached him he was smiling, a charming lopsided grin that always made her smile.

"I see you're feeling better," She said.

"Much." He replied. "Are you all right? Healer told me you never left my side and Clancy had to force you to rest."

She felt her face growing warm at him recounting her acts of tenderness and kindness, shown towards him.

"Yes. I was very worried about you- your health." She stumbled. "It was very frightening. You were running a fever from that cut the Black Knight gave you. It was very deep." She explained.

"Black knight? Who is that ?" He asked.

She was shocked by his question. She looked at Clancy then at the healer who were close by. Their interests having been piqued as well. Which puzzled her. Why did they not remember the Black Knight?

"You don't know who that is?" She asked.

They all looked lost and Clancy interjected then.

"No, Your Majesty, we don't."

"What was the last thing you remember?" She asked him.

Her curiosity was also piqued. What did he remember? She searched his face as he thought back to the moment. He closed his eyes.

"The last thing I remember. I was speaking to Gregory before we went to our jousting corners to wait for the match to begin."

She looked at him, holding back her guilt, shame and sadness.

"What?" He said, reading her face and knowing there was more.

Princess Beatrice, found it hard to look at him while she spoke and thought about the horrors that had occurred that day. She thought he was blessed.

"What happened to him?" She asked genuinely curious now.

Clancy spoke "Gregory was found by the river, ripped to pieces by wolves, Your Majesty."

Princess Beatrice was still shocked at the death of the Knight.

"No need to worry about that," the healer stated, "You're alive and well, with someone who loves you and has been watching over you."

William's stomach growled loudly.

"I am starving. I wonder what Cook has to eat." He wondered aloud.

She laughed at his remark. His appetite was back. He was definitely feeling better.

Clancy offered then, "If Your Majesty doesn't mind I can take his majesty to get bathed and properly fed."

"Yes, Clancy. That would be a wonderful idea." Princess Beatrice agreed.

Prince William stood up. He groaned.The slight pain slightly making him hunch over and bend down. She watched him right himself. The large sash-like bandage was stained with his old blood.

He stood up. One of the healers assistants wrapped a shawl around his naked, bandaged torso. He looked back at Princess Beatrice and she smiled at him. He smiled back. Then he turned and left the infirmary...
