
A Dream part.2

She couldn't resist. It was as if she were drunk from his touch. Suddenly her head felt heavy and it fell back. His strong, slender hands supporting her. She watched herself moan in ecstasy as the demon slowly kissed her neck, and her hands played in his hair. Her fingertips, adjusting to the softness of it.

He showed his face to her and all she saw was a big black Demon with cold blue slit for eyes looking back at her. She screamed in terror. Startling herself and waking herself up from the dream. Her heart was racing. She looked around the large hall was dimly lit with beeswax candles in each corner set in brass candelabras.

She sat a lone candle atop the small wooden table situated by his bed. She looked at Prince William, his pale face and bandaged chest. She got up from the stool she had been sitting on and reach for the brown wool blanket. She shook it open and placed it on his bottom half.

She touched his forehead.

He was burning up with fever. How he survived the night, she didn't know. Moments later, Clancy entered. She had a worried look on her face.

"Your Majesty, it's very late. All the servants have been long to bed. You should consider it."

Princess Beatrice knew Clancy was right. "You will be no good to Prince William," she continued, "If you yourself fall ill." She was right again.

Without any argument, she went with Clancy to her bed chambers where she undressed down to her chemise and got into bed. She wasn't afraid to go to sleep. This time she wondered what awaited her...


The next morning Princess Beatrice awoke with Prince William and the demon on her mind. She couldn't let anyone know what was really going on. God only knew what the Bishop and the Holy Clergymen would do to her. She had witnessed the after effects of someone being burned at the stake. She had no desire to relieve anything remotely similar to that experience. The demon had been clear and very persuasive.

He said he wanted her all to himself. She should be disgusted, she kept telling herself. A Hell spawn touched her yet, no matter how harsh that voice was she couldn't deny the chemistry and the way he made her body feel. She wondered if it was normal, but nothing was so why would this be she rationalized with herself. She wondered then when she met him in person would she be able to resist him, or would she give in to him like she had so easily in her dream.

She didn't want to think about the evil monsters face that had changed in her dream. It had terrified her and she knew she would never forget it as long as she lived. She wanted the dream had. She had been in was real, somehow, maybe he was able to enter into her dreams. She decided to shake the thought off and dress herself, and she was proud of the job she had done.

Today she wore a navy, long-waisted bodice with a draped, satin, Navy overskirt pinned up behind. Her blouse was the same color with Paned sleeves. She wore her hair in a single braid with pearl eardrops, a pearl necklace and matching navy blue, satin shoes. She wrapped a black wool shawl around her thin shoulders and exited her chambers. There were no servants in the corridor and no sign of Clancy theme she made a right at the end of the corridor and walked down the grand staircase she felt a little lighter.

For some reason when people bowed to her and made her feel uncomfortable, she made her way to the infirmary. I was shocked once more at this it saw two women helpers who are trying to restrain William while the healer gave him his medicine. He screamed and bucked....
