
B's Scheme...

There was quiet. The only sound she heard was the rain falling steadily outside. She reached for his hand and held it in her own. She felt her tears begin to flow and she hung her head low. Her guilt engrossed her.

Prince William could die because of her and if he didn't die, he would be crippled for life. She owed him her heart. The Demon King had could have her soul.


B watched and laughed with an evil gleam in his eye as his dark creation the Black Knight wreaked havoc at the fair princesses fun jousting tournament. It had been boring to him. Two perfectly perfect knights politely dotting the other. Where was the fun in that? Where was the challenge in seeing two noble knights give a worthy fight.

He always believed that humans were predictable creatures. Creatures meant to serve or to be manipulated. He hated the way the Princess lit up when that Prince was around. He wouldn't say that he was jealous. He would say that he was unusually jealous.

Being a Demon King meant basking in the seven deadly sins. He did that to his heart's content. There was a time when he once lived and craved the seven deadly sins as well as the darkness. Now he craved the sweet Princesses amicable affections. If he had to get rid of the Prince he would.

He could see that she was angry, lost and scared. She had no idea what was going on but he knew from when the moments their lips touched. that the deal had been set in motion a deal. he knew because of her innocence shielding her that she had no idea what to expect. She had given the knight a token of her affection.

She had thrown herself on him to protect the mortal. He wanted her to love him exactly like that. The centuries had been maddening. Being immortal had its disadvantages. He could only admit to himself that he was lonely, of course, anyone would laugh at how preposterous it was. A lonely demon.

It was true though. His existence had become more than tedious. It was hard to stop thinking about her. How dare he, he thought that Knight Prince was everything he was not. He saw her how.

Her eyes sparkled and lit up. That sweet smile graced her lips. It took everything not to bother his brother's wife, Persephone, and asked for a magic teleporting pearl. He had to communicate with her, and as determined as he was right now, he knew he would...
