
The Final Bout

The Royal trumpet sounded a final time. The final bout began. Both Knights seemed determined to topple the other over. She had to admire Prince William's tenacity. She didn't want to look but she couldn't take her eyes away from it.

The sound. The hooves and the clanking of the armor against wood was intense. She watched the Black Knight make his move once again Prince William averted his blows. The crowd cheered Prince William stayed atop his horse he galloped back to his side.

The Black Knight appeared to be retreating back to its corner. Princess Beatrice felt some of the tension in her body evaporate with knowing that this jousting match was almost over, and he would be safe. The Jester's voice grounded her to the present.

"Prince William, the powerful! Lives to fight another day!" The Jester exclaimed, and once more the crowd cheered on their noble champion.

Upon hearing his name, on top of his horse, Prince William trotted down the line. All the while waving and lauding the applause. Once he was done he found Princess Beatrice. He dismounted from his steed and walked over to her.

She was still scared and a little dazed by the events that had just unfolded before her and everyone. She was glad he wasn't injured too badly, though he was holding his left side. He was about to kneel down in front of her. She stopped him.

"No, Prince William! I-I cannot allow you to do that. You are injured."

"You are worried about me, Your Majesty." he asked, a look she was not familiar with on his face.

"Yes, I was."

"I am fine. Whoever the hell that was, I assure you I was about to able to evade and defeat him." He pulled out her handkerchief.

She looked up at him and smiled at the sentimental gesture. His eyes were warm chocolate brown. She felt like she could get lost in them forever. Then she saw the red. It was blood.

She watched Prince William's face go from happiness to surprise then lastly, terror, as a blade pierced through his shoulder. Clancy's scream triggered the ones to follow from the crowd as they all scattered. Princes Beatrice felt like she had fallen into a nightmare

she couldn't awake from. The blood splattered all over her bodice as well as her face. She didn't scream as she watched the Black Knight extract the blade. Prince William crumbled to the muddy ground. She watched the Black Knight raise his sword up high to finish him off. She threw herself on top of his unconscious body. Her back facing the blade.

'Your Majesty!" She heard Clancy scream.

She looked back to face the evil creature. He was gone. He had vanished into thin air. She felt her body relax at the small miracle. It was gone.

"Your Majesty?" Clancy continued calling her.

Beatrice couldn't leave him. She used her own hands to apply pressure to his wound that was gushing blood. She whispered sweet nothings in his ears, reminding him why he needed to live. She waited until her soldiers took over and carried him to the healer within the castle walls. She felt numb. Why did this happen?

It didn't need to happen. She wondered if more occurrences like this would be happening often because of what she had done. She and Clancy were escorted by guards to her chambers where a bath had already been drawn and waiting for her. She saw the lavender flowers in orange rinds in the water. She needed to concentrate on anything else other than what she had just seen and been through.

Once she was undressed and inside the water her mind slowed down a bit more, and she was able to think from a more rational standpoint. She had to go visit William as soon as she was dressed. This entire thing was her fault. Why? She still had no answer.

Thoughts of the Demon King swirled through her mind, like the bubbles in the water. Her heart felt weighed down. She had watched the Black Knight impale Prince William in front of her very eyes. Not getting her intricate hair design wet, she washed the blood off of her face, neck and arms. The water was no longer clean.

She stood up and got out with no assistance, wrapping a long cloth around her naked body. She went into her room and saw Clancy waiting. She had already changed clothing as well.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" She asked.

"I... I am fine. I must get dressed. I must see him!"

" Your Majesty! I strongly urge against that."

"Clancy, you are my lady in waiting. You cannot advise me in such matters."

"Your Majesty once said we were family. So, Sister to Sister If Your Majesty personally attends to Prince William, it will be assumed there is something going on."

"Clancy I do not care what others think. Help me get dressed."

" Aye, Your Majesty"
