
Chapter 27

Invincinbill is a rather handsome middleaged man if you look at him at the right angle, or enlarge his face to be ten times larger than it is and make it a see through hologram. Either way, the mild-mannered, gravel voiced man projects a presence of authority without even being in our presence.

Everyone knows to shut up as he speaks, even Symphony takes his feet off the table and sits up straight, the mischevious smirk and glint in his eye wiped away by focussed attention. All eyes lie on Bill.

"I'm sure we all have some idea why I called you here, others may have already guessed and the Lieutenant is fully aware, but for the sake of those who aren', I'll spit it out." His eyes follow each of us, and for seconds as he speaks it's as though he speaks only to me, a lot of pressure.
