
Queen of Hearts


Stomach churning as she waited to hear what he had to say, Elreth stared a challenge at her mate—who received it, and stared back.

Aaryn sat with one knee bent high, the other leg bent and flat, knee pointing towards her. He leaned one elbow on his high knee and stared at her carefully, waiting until he'd finished the mouthful he had before he answered. And when he did, his voice was low and dark. He was angry that she'd put him on the spot in front of everyone else. His fingers flashed a curse, but it was one they'd made up—a child's curse. Elreth breathed a little easier. He was angry, but not vengeful.

"Things would have to be dire indeed for me to come to the point where I believed that was the best place for you," he said quietly. "But, yes, if you ordered me to it, I'd do it. I'm submitted to my Queen," he said, sketching a mocking bow, but his eyes were alight with fear and a little anger.
