
The Deal

Soohyun looks at the contract then looks at her. Though he is overwhelmed with triumph, something feels off. But she has once again pulled off something that Soohyun can't even begin to explain. "Should I even ask how you know I was after this?" Soohyun asks just for the heck of it.

"Is there any other reason for it?" JiU replied nonchalantly.

Soohyun chuckled and closed the file, "I'm guessing there's more to this than just signing it, am I right?"

The only reply he receives from her is a smile before the takes another file folder out, colored grey. "There is only one condition that will make me sign that contract, and it's written in this file," JiU hands him the blue folder, "Take your time, Soohyun-ssi."

Soohyun opens the folder and leaned against the chair to read. Inside is another contract, but utterly different from the previous one. Soohyun's eyes start to widen as he learns more into the agreement, and at times he would look back to her before continuing to read.

"So, all I have to do is act the part?" Soohyun placed the opened file on the table and addressed JiU, "And behave as your boyfriend until you determine the time when to call it quits?"

"Just as stated, yes," JiU nods accordingly, "No commitment needed between us except on a professional level when it comes to our companies. Even after this contract expires, our company's merging contract will continue for the foreseeable future."

"By the looks of this," Soohyun taps his finger on the inked paper, "I am bound to do anything you say and when you say it?"

"Yes, that is correct, Soohyun-ssi," she smirked, "You're particularly mine until I say you're not. But make no mistake, Soohyun-ssi. I made this contract because it serves my interest, and it also plays a part in yours. So don't think for a second I have developed an interest in you whether it be something sexual or romantic, I don't. I don't care what you do on a day to day basis in your life, as long as it doesn't affect the contract, I have no issues about it whatsoever."

"Am I qualified to know why this contract exists?" despite everything he read earlier, this is the only question that came to mind.

"As of now?" JiU shakes head, "No, you're not. Besides, it is not a matter that concerns you or anyone in the merge of our company. But it is something of importance in my perspective."

Lifting his palms in a sign of surrender, Soohyun nods, "As long as we both can get what we want, a little sacrifice like this wouldn't be a problem."

"Do we have a deal then?" JiU stretches her hand towards Soohyun.

"Yes, we have a deal," Soohyun welcomes her hand with his own to give it a shake of confirmation.

Soon after, the two respective contracts become official by both parties. After the signing, the two individuals discussed a different matter of who should know about the agreement made. And it was settled that only their most trusted will know.

"You surprised me, Soohyun-ssi," JiU starts after pouring another cup of tea onto Soohyun's bowl.

"On what grounds?" Soohyun sips his tea and leans back on his sofa.

"Well, you managed to tone down your ego and temperament to lead your team to win that presentation despite my attempt to make you do otherwise."

"What do you mean?" Soohyun frowns at the newfound topic.

JiU could only chuckle with her cup of tea in hand, "Yoo Jae Suk is one of my most trusted individuals in the marketing department that I assigned on this project to test you in any way possible. And a few more people to see how your work is on the field."

"Don't tell me," Soohyun, slightly irritated, looked at JiU.

"Yes, exactly," JiU could only smile after seeing Soohyun's expression to her revelation. "The seven that worked with you now are the very team that stood with me in shaping the company as it is today, but I asked them to behave like they're fresh off the boat," inflicting another set of surprise on Soohyun.

"So, this whole project was just a front for testing me?" Soohyun, by now, is wholly annoyed at the reveal.

"Yes and no," JiU explained, "Yes, the project made, was to test you and how you would respond to the variety of anomalies when working in the field. But, after that exciting presentation and our investigation before that presentation, we have come into agreement that it will be real and put into development."

Soohyu clicked his tongue and shook his head, "That whole data-stealing I exposed earlier today on Jae Suk's presentation is another of your schemes?"

"Guilty as charged," this time it's JiU's turn to lift both her palms in admittance to her actions.

"Calling you dangerous might be an understatement, JiU-ssi," Soohyun laughed softly, "You're lethal."

"No doubt one of my many traits that you will discover in the duration of this contract, Soohyun-ssi," JiU winked after taking another sip of her tea.

"I don't know whether I should be excited or cautious regarding that matter," Soohyun states, "But I guess we'll find out."

JiU lifts her glass towards Soohyun as a toast to which Soohyun returns in kind. "I'm guessing, our family will know of this first before the media?" Soohyun addressed the inevitable matter that is their own family.

"Correct," JiU nods, "Which is why three days, you and I are going to meet our respective families together to go with phase one of our secret contract."

"Why three days?" Soohyun finds the idea a little too odd, "Why not tomorrow? I mean, all we need to do is act the part as a couple."

"That is the easiest and most logical way," JiU thinks so too, but she still has her plan, "But knowing my family, especially my Father, they might see through this if we don't at least spend the time to learn more about each other. Also, we need to figure out an explanation."

"An explanation for what?" Soohyun's question earned him an annoyed look on JiU's face.

"About why we behaved as such weeks ago when we were supposed to sign out merge," JiU states and making Soohyun nodding immediately.

For the next two hours, Soohyun and JiU spend time discussing things regarding their contract. The DOs and DONTs for everyone's convenience regarding their fake relationship. Along the way, they start to learn more about each other on the surface.

"I want to apologize," Soohyun starts after their discussion, "I was an asshole weeks ago to behave that way towards you."

"Well, well," JiU surprised by the statement made by the man, "What happened to you? You're not the arrogant man I met weeks ago."

"Yah... I was trying to apologize," Soohyun sulked then chuckled, "I have you to blame and this whole situation. These weeks working here as Byung Joon made see life behind the perspective of a thriving employee in a big company. Whether it be a fake or not, I truly see a different side to working other than just sitting inside a big office. I am a jerk."

JiU smiled briefly at the confession but quickly brushed it off before Soohyun notices. "Things happened for a reason, and one way or another, we will always end the day by learning something new," JiU says, "But you are genuinely a jerk and an asshole. However, you have my forgiveness, Soohyun-ssi."

"Gumawo-yo," Soohyun smiled at her words and bows his head, "And I do have one question."

"Go ahead, ask," JiU replies with a willing ear to listen.

"Yesterday," Soohyun's begins, "Why did you take that time to talk and ask me those questions when you could just easily walk away?"

"Like everyone, I have my curiosity," JiU shrugged her shoulders, "And I wanted to sustain that curiosity."

"And what did you get from my answers?" Soohyun leaned forward from his sofa to look at her.

"I learned that we probably have something in common," JiU's answer sparks curiosity in Soohyun's mind.

"Which is?" Soohyun asks, revealing his curiosity.

"We're both individuals who thought we'd found the love we longed for only to be disappointed by reality the reality of it," her expression darkened, and her tone changed as she talks.

Soohyun looked down at his fingers as he fiddled with them, "And like I said yesterday, love could make people do a crazy thing."

He looks back up to JiU, "Maybe that crazy thing would be to believe that it existed in the first place or maybe crazy enough for us to sacrifice everything only to receive nothing in the end."

That statement from each of their minds confirmed something very evident. They were both wounded by the very thing they thrive to keep and treasure, love. Silence took over their once lively discussion, both reminded of how painful it was when they first lost their faith in finding that love.

Now, they are to embark on a journey that involves a relationship without real feelings. The two individuals have had their fair share of disappointments when it comes to love. Both also have various ways to cope with that pain. Even if this is by means of common interests, this isn't something they both wanted but something they needed no matter how much they try to deny it.
