
Not knowing the immensity of the heavens and the earth


A small sound of surprise escaped out of Cai Jingyi's mouth involuntarily as she stepped into the workshop after opening the door and noticing that apart of Bai Zemin there were two other people present on the scene. She had crossed paths with Chen He on the way here so she incorrectly assumed that Bai Zemin was probably alone now, therefore, she didn't think too much when she called out his name earlier.

Although Bai Zemin trusted Cai Jingyi 99.9% because according to the skill attached to his title Lower Leader assured him that she would never betray him due to the title Loyal Follower he bestowed to her after sharing a tiny part of his soul with her and Kang Lan, in reality, they only acted close and without too much inhibition when they were in private. Therefore, both, Cai Jingyi herself and Kang Lan, usually referred to Bai Zemin in a respectful manner in front of other people.
