
Chapter 28


Annabelle POV-

It's been a day since I spoke to Marcus.. and Florence.

Marcus gave me alot to think about.

He gave me a decision to make.. If I accept, in two days time we leave to have a meeting with another pack. They will join us in fighting the king if they see that I exist.

Almost everyone is treating me like I'm a gift from the Gods and it's unnerving, this pack we are traveling to are basically full of these people X10. I guess I need to get used to this..

Marcus told me that the king was not the only one looking for me.. This pack doesn't know where I am but the leader has reached out to everyone in hopes of finding me.. so naturally Gigi and Marcus have heard what they are saying about me.

I haven't seen Florence either.. I get whiffs of her from time to time but I haven't gone looking. Maybe she doesn't want to have to deal with my problems.

I don't blame her because neither do I.

I need to make a decision and I have no one to fucking talk to about it.. wait.. I guess I still have someone..

I sat on my bed closed my eyes and inhaled deeply..

I haven't spoken to Leopold in quite some time.. I still don't like the idea of someone being in my head..


"Annabelle.. it's been awhile" Leopold leant back on his chair to get a better look at me as I rounded the corner..

"How are you?" I smiled approaching him.. it's not his fault he's stuck here.

"Growing tired my dear.. but your not here to talk about me.." he looked back to the lake an I took a seat on the grass next to him..

"Marcus wants me to be the mascot of this rebellion" I sighed plucking at the grass with my fingers.. "He wants me to travel with him.. to convince others to join us. I don't want people to die because I told them too". I admitted..

"They won't Annabelle. If they die in a rebellion then they are dying for what they believe in" he paused in thought.. "What do you believe in?" he asked looking back to me.

I didn't hesitate with my answer..

"I believe that people shouldn't have to fight for what they believe in.. Maybe I should just kill the king myself.." I sighed...at least then I don't have to go around proving myself like some kind of show pony..

"You are not unbreakable Annabelle" he chuckled lightly..

"I know.. I just mean. I don't know if me standing behind these people is the right thing to do"..

I'm begining to think I might have to. At least for awhile..

"I honestly don't know how any of this will play out for you"..he paused. "Since you've become stronger I'm unable to feel you most of the time, so I'm happy you came to me with this" he smiled..

"What if I make the wrong choice?" I asked hoping for some much needed advice..

"Annabelle.. it's not just about the choices we make, it's about why we made them in the first place.. and it's about being able to live with them knowing, it was the right thing to do".. The right thing to do is have hundreds or possibly thousands of people die in a war for freedom?.. fuck. The king has already snatched up almost everybody that can fight. The only clans left are the ones hidden in the forrests.

"Everything is so confusing Leopold".. I'm not just talking about the rebellion now.. I sighed..

"It doesn't have to be.." he hummed..



"I think my mate is going to reject me.. again"..

"Oh.. have you asked why?"..he asked in a curious tone..

"There are a few reasons.." he waited for me to continue.. "Well for starters she's a straight woman who is part Lycan.. she's been hiding her whole life. And I think she's embarrassed by me"..

"Why would she be embarrassed by you?" he asked amused, I'm glad he's finding this funny..

"I don't know.. because she's straight? because I'm different?..I don't know.." I huffed.. "I'm waiting for her to make a decision but I know it won't be that easy.. maybe she is afraid of the challenges we'd have to face.. I don't know what to do" I finished rambling with a big breath of fresh air.. I feel good getting some of this off my chest.

A few seconds went by before Leopold spoke..

"Annabelle I can't tell you what to do..you can only do what you feel is right. It's all you can ever do"..

"I just want her to like me.." I sighed, sadness and longing washed over me as I pictured her delicate features...how confused she looked whenever her eyes met mine.. ugh..

"Some things are just not meant to be.. even when we want them to be.." what the fuck is that supposed to mean?.. moving on..

"Do you think you were created for a purpose?" I asked..

"Of course my dear.. as were you" he said turning on his chair to look down at me still sitting on the grass..

"You really believe that?" I paused but not long enough for him to answer..

"I thought my purpose was to be a Queen..to produce an heir, to continue my bloodline.." I sighed.

"You are destined for far greater things than that" he hummed placing his hand on my shoulder looking back out to the lake with me.

"How can you know that?" I asked slightly hopeful he knew something I didn't..

"You have a need to do what's right.. to help people who need it.. and now you have the power to do it".. he said taking his hand off my shoulder leaning back in his chair.. he's right about wanting to help people.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything.." he replied.

"Could you have kept control of me if you wanted to?" I asked.. I still don't really know how this works.

He spoke slowly as he began telling me a story..

"I was waiting a long time to leave that prison. Envisioning everyway I might possibly find my escape, I had become enraged.. Then I felt you.. I didn't know where I was or what you were.. I just felt you getting closer and closer the more I called out.. After we connected I saw you.. I saw your life.. I saw what you were and knew what you could be. I could have tried to keep my spirit and kept control of your consciousness, but I saw that you are already a better person than I ever was, I have to believe the Gods did this for a reason. Besides, I had lived many lifetimes before I was imprisoned.. yours has just begun."

I don't feel like a good person.. I feel like I always mess up.. I make stupid decisions and I speak before my mind has had a chance to process what I'm saying. If my mother could see me now she would have a heart attack and I would gladly watch.. how could I possibly be a good person?.

"Are you sure you wouldn't be better equipt for this than me?" I don't really want him to take over but maybe he can actually make a difference here..

"No Annabelle, I'm not I assure you. Anyway it's too late.. I am no longer bound the the spirit of the wolf.. he is you, and you are him"..

"Does that make any sense to you?" I questioned..


"I'm a female.. with a male wolf?"

"Not really" he paused taking a breath "Do people turning into animals and the existence of magic make any sense to you? Does anything make any sense?" he asked with a chuckle.. He is right I guess...It's weird how he came from a time before all this too. I feel like we are old friends.. I just nodded in agreement..

"So what do you think I should do about my mate?" I asked still perplexing.

"What is she like?"

"She is beautiful and stubborn.Her parents died when she was young. Her father was a Lycan and her mother was a wolf." My thoughts trailed off.. "Did you know that Lycans haven't been able to produce females in over 400 years?" I said laying back on the grass to get more comfortable..

"No I didn't.. I do know something that could be part of an explanation?." he offered..

"Please continue"

"I was 25 when I first transformed.. some were older.. some younger.. Five clans are known to have been chosen.. and After 400 years of peace, a war began with the humans. They believed we were cursed...by this time there were many more wolf packs scattered across the country, a few of the packs made allies with the humans and began adopting their ways.. more wars began and eventually, with each generation that participated in these wars and destruction of life.. they grew weaker.. the wolves smaller.. I think it's the price they pay" I can hear the sincerity in his voice.. "The wolves here are not far from what I knew them to be.. only there are far fewer Lycans than before. I don't know definitively why any of this has happened.. but I still have faith that there is a reason...I hope you can find faith Annabelle" I looked up at him from the ground.. he was still looking out across the lake.

"I hope so too Leopold.. Thank you for your time once again".. I really am greatful to have someone I can be completely honest with.. some people die before ever finding that..

"Your always welcome my dear" He tilted on his chair to smile warmly at me.. I smiled back... I closed my eyes and traveled through the flames back to my body. Now to tell Marcus my answer.


I knocked on the doorframe of Marcus and Gigi's hut waiting for a reply.. I've checked everywhere else if he's not here I don't know where else to look.. I was greatful when I saw his face appear from behind the orange rag curtain..

"Hello Annabelle" he beamed happily at me holding out his hand for me to shake.. we did the usual forearm grab and shake..

"Hey Marcus" I smiled..

"I hope you have good news.." he said bumping my arm lightly with his fist..

"If a war is your idea of good news then yes.. I have good news" I chuckled..

Without another word he wrapped his arms around me pinning mine in the process as he lifted me into a bear hug.. he's not that much taller than me but he is ripped to shit. All I could do was squirm and laugh, he shook me laughing too..

I can tell he's been waiting to take down the king for a long time.. I mean the king is an asshole who tortures people.. who wouldn't want to slit his throat.

Marcus dropped me on my feet still grinning from ear to ear as I stepped back..

"How long will we be gone?" I asked thinking of Florence.. not that it matters right now.

"Two weeks.. is that alright?"

What can I say.. no?.. that's to long?..

"Yes that's fine.." I nodded.. affirming it with myself..

Should I let her know I'll be gone for two weeks?.. will she care?.. I don't know.. maybe not..

"Would you like to stay for supper?" he asked with another warm smile..

"No that's alright.. I have already promised someone else my presence.. thank you for the offer though, some other time?" I asked genuinely greatful for the offer.. I can't imagine he offers many other people to a private supper with him and Gigi.

"Of course.. enjoy your night Annabelle" he said as he patted my shoulder gently a couple times..

"Thank you Marcus.. you to" I smiled turning away before remembering something and turning back..

"Oh and say hello to Gigi for me" I pointed walking backwards..

I watched as Marcus's mouth go from a smile to a 'O'. Then the world went upsidedown and I was looking at the sky.. shit I fell backwards over some crates left in the path.. how did I not see them?..

"ouch.." I winced sitting up and rubbing the back of my head. I looked at my hand to check if I was bleeding and sure enough my hand was covered..

Just my luck.. I had hit my head off the only rock in sight. It was the size of a small football.. only it was pointy and also covered in blood.

I'll be fine..

Marcus stood over me giving me a hand up.. It hurts but it's not so bad.. I pulled myself up using Marcus's hand keeping my other one to the back of my head.. I don't know how far that rock went in honestly. I feel dizzy.. enough so that I've still got one hand on Marcus's arm to keep me steady..

"That was quite a fall.".. he acknowledged looking at all the blood.. yes.. it was quite spectacular wasn't it. I rolled my eyes before smiling back at him..

"Take off your jacket.." he ordered after taking my hand off my head and examining my wound more closely.. I did as I was told and passed the jacket to him.. he balled the cotton like material of my jacket up and put it on the back of my head, placing my hand back over it.. without another word he slung my free arm over his shoulder and basically carried me off..

It's the middle of the day.. I can see people giving us questioning, concerned looks as we pass by.. I can only imagine what they think defeated The Great Lycan Girl.. if only they knew it was a bloody stone.. haha 'bloody', and anyway I feel fine.. I'm dizzy but fine.

I know where we are going now.. to Florence's house. Why are we coming here? She picks herbs and scouts stuff. He knocked on the door frame and there she was emerging from the fabric curtain.. beautiful as ever.. even with that concerned look on her face, her shining light-blue eyes were focused on mine, maybe it's the light but her eyes seem a little darker than usual..

Marcus snapped us back to reality causing her to look away from me..

"Florence.." he greeted her with a smile "I would have taken her to Dom but with how you reacted last time-."

She cut him off abruptly.."It's alright.. Bring her inside" She spoke calmly...

I guess I've got to play this cool..


If your ever wondering what is my method of writing?.. well here it is...I kinda get an idea of a gist of what I might want to happen and I either go with it or I change it as I go along, and as confusing as this sounds.. it actually is pretty confusing.

Honestly who knows what I'm talking about.

If there are mistakes or spelling errors or anything.. feel free to correct me :)

I hope your not seeing reading this at time wasted.. in other words I hope you enjoyed :D

Twink_98creators' thoughts