
Chapter 322 – Raven asks Questions

"A tiger cub!" Vanilla exclaimed. "Where did this little cutie come from?"

Vyom ignored her and ate another slice of peach from his Grandpapa's hand.

"Little Brother Vyom is Azar's little brother," Azar declared happily, flying up to Fox, Vanilla and Headmistress Ana. "Vyom also has good big magic!"

The little black dragon was clearly very proud to have a younger sibling, albeit of a different species.

"He… came from the ancient rune?" Fox asked hesitantly.

"He did," Mana replied.

"Is he as powerful as Azar and Alya?" Fox wondered.

Vanila elbowed him. "Does it matter? He's adorable!" she said. It seemed that Vanilla shared Mana's love of furry felines.

"Little cousin Vyom is very powerful and clever," Alya said softly.

"Thanks, Alya," Fox said, smiling at the little white dragon.

Vyom finally raised his eyes to glance at the three new humans. "Who are they?" he asked in a lazy drawl, flicking the tip of his long tail.
