
Chapter 147 – Mana Gets Angry

"No, you guys can go ahead," King Jaren said, ruffling Mana and Raven's hairs simultaneously.

"Thanks, Papa!" Mana said happily and pulled Raven's arm. "Come on, Raven – Big Brother and Big Sister Bella will be wondering where we disappeared to!"

"See you Mommy! See you Daddy!" Azar flapped his wings cheerfully and returned to his usual spot on King Jaren's shoulder.

"Don't you want to go with your Mommy and Daddy, little one?" King Jaren asked, rubbing the little dragon's head with gentle fingers.

The baby dragon shook his head. "Azar will stay with Grandpapa!" he declared. "Grandpapa, hungry!"

King Jaren chuckled and shot Queen Carolina a helpless look.

Queen Carolina was quite amused as well. "Well, we can't let our lovely Royal Dragon Prince Azar go hungry now, can we? Come on, then, I'll treat you to some delicacies of the Sapphire Kingdom, little Azar!" she said.
