
Planet Namek 5

It took me a few moments to get used to the sudden increase in flight speed. While I'd gotten used to normal movements with my power increase as I went because it was a gradual, if rapid increase, this was my first time properly flying at top speed, and god was I fast.

I couldn't even tell how fast I was going, the the water below me was blown away in both sides in great big cascading waves and it took me all of twenty minutes to approach my destination and it wasn't long before I saw it.

A towering mountain spire rising thousands of feet up into the air, and atop it a pristine white oddly shaped building.

There was a figure standing outside the door, a tall, green figure in a blue vest. When I reached the mountain I disengaged my aura and dropped down onto the top of it.

Nail met my eyes impassively, arms crossed behind his back, not a lick of tension in his features despite the fact that he should be able to clearly sense just how much stronger I am than him, even with my power halved from using the Multi Form technique. His self control and courage as a Namekian Warrior are praise worthy.

"Hello, visitor," Nail inclined his head towards me lightly, politely, but not submissively at all, "What brings you here?"

"I'm here to see Guru," I answered, "I'm hoping to gain his aid in something and his permission to use the dragon balls."

Nail stared at me impassively for a moment, "..There are trials at each of the villages," he said after a moment, "Should you pass them, they will allow you to take the dragon ball in their possession."

"I know," I nodded. I knew all about them of course, but the thing is, I can't be sure they will even allow me to take them, they didn't let Frieza after all if I remember right. It may have been because of how evil Frieza was, but if it was about being pure of heart, I certainly don't fit the criteria, I'm a very selfish person at heart, "But it's important I speak with Guru."

"....Very well," Nail nodded, "I would usually not allow it but Lord Guru is already expecting you, saiyan."

He turned around to home of Guru and the door slid open, "Follow me." he said, beckoning me to follow him inside.

I followed him inside, the door closing shut a second later. He led me on to a platform and when I stood on it alongside him, it raised up into the air like an elevator and a few moments later settled in another room entirely, bringing me face to face with Guru.

As old and feeble as he was now, with his gargantuan frame resting in a throne like chair, he cut quite the impressive figure. My eyes were drawn slightly to the large gleaming orange crystal sphere settled at the top of his throne.

"Greetings young one," Guru greeted me, voice warm and kind, "What brings you here, may I ask?"

"Hello Guru," I bowed lightly to him, he's a guy worthy of my respect after all, "I've come because I need you to unlock my potential for me and to gain your permission to use the dragon balls to summon Porunga."

He tilted his massive wrinkly face to the side, "..Interesting, while legends of the dragon balls have spread throughout the universe, I must admit I was not expecting of you to know of that specific ability of mine."

Guru stared down at me for a moment after that and I stayed silent, allowing him to observe me, "Tell me young saiyan, why do you seek not only to have your potential unlocked, but the dragon ball as well?" he asked, "From what I can sense, you have a vast amount of power already, what more could you need?"

Well, there's no point staying silent about it and I need to convince hi, so, "A year from now the galactic Tyrant Frieza will come here seeking the dragon balls, he has a battle power of one hundred and twenty million, that is over eight hundred times my current power," I began, and I heard Nail splutter in shock beside me, "Not only that, but from there, many powerful beings stronger than Frieza will appear one after another, each more powerful than the last throwing this universe into anarchy."

Guru was silent for a moment as he seemed to digest what I said. "I see, you seek the strength to stop them then?" he asked, and for some reason, believed what I said? "That is quite selfless of you."

"Wrong, it's completely selfish," I shook my head, denying his praise, "Not long from now, a mere three decades at most, this entire universe will be erased by the god who oversees all of creation. Our universe is the weakest of all twelve remaining, and any universe that doesn't meet the average mortal power rating needed will be erased."

I took a breath before staring up at Guru, resolute, "I am going to drag this universe kicking and screaming upwards with me so that I can protect this universe and make sure I survive."

"..I see," Guru merely nodded before lifting one of his massive hands, "Come closer child, I will unlock your sleeping power and ascertain for myself the truth of your words."

Swallowing heavily, I did as he said and walked over to stand beside his massive sitting form. A moment later, his large green palm gently lowered itself onto my head.

Then, a moment later, a rushing sensation flowed through me. Euphoria filled my being and I felt lighter than a cloud. My ki rose up within me, spiralling, stretching, exploding and the golden light within me began to expand like a burning star.

My red ki burst into life around me and the very building began to shake, all I could see was red, red and more red, my vision was dyed the colour of my ki.

For a long few moments, all I could see red. That is, until that golden light within me grew so much it enveloped me whole! A split moment later, and for just a moment my vision tinted gold and I felt my power surge upwards so massively and rapidly I couldn't even keep track and the breath was stolen from me. The world shook around me while thunder boomed in the distance.

Then the power was gone, my vision returned and I found myself on my knees panting deeply while my body tingled with what felt like electricity.

As I stared forward, I saw Nail on his backside, back against the far wall, looking at me wide eyed. There were multiple fissures and cracks running along the walls and floor beneath me. "...What mind boggling power.." Nail whispered, awe in his voice.

A grunt from my side made me look to Guru and I saw the massive old Namekian sitting as he was before in his seat, looking just as fine as he was before, not even a smudge, never mind a crack on his throne, "...Nail gather the dragon balls." he ordered.

"Lord Guru?" Nail looked to him questioningly.

"It is important Nail," Guru nodded, "As fast as you can, relay to everyone this is an order from me."

Nail quickly jumped to his feet and bowed to him, "Very well Lord Guru, I will fly at full speed!" he agreed. He spared me one glance, before jumping on the elevator thing and dropping down out of the room and out of my sight. Moments later I felt his ki surge and begin to rapidly shoot off towards the north.

I pushed myself to my feet, my legs feeling numb beneath me as I did and met Guru's eyes, "..Did you see what you needed to?" I asked.

"...More than I hoped," Guru sighed somberly, "The knowledge you have of the future is terrifying indeed. But, I find myself willing to place my trust in you, for the good of my people and the universe itself at least." Wait, no mention of just where my knowledge came from?

"So you're fine with me using the dragon balls to summon Porunga?" I asked.

"I would not have sent Nail to collect them if I were not," Guru replied, "Though, I should tell you now in advance. Porunga is incapable of granting you what you know as god ki, it is beyond him. You should use the time until Nail returns to think of another wish."

I grimaced. Damn, if I could get god ki right off the bat I could deal with practically anything up to Beerus' appearing easily.

I shook my head and got rid of my disappointment. Not everything can go according to plan. Besides, there's still a ton of things I can use another wish for to get stronger. Like, maybe an evolving physique and ki that passively grows stronger day by day? Or maybe King Yemma's fruit, they can apparently double someone's power. But those are filler, I don't even know if they exist.

...Wait, fruit. The Tree of Might. That could work.

"Young one, come over here again, won't you?" Guru asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Sure," I shrugged and did as said, taking a few steps until I was beside him again, I'd somehow ended up a few steps away in the process of getting my potential unlocked, "Why though?"

"I want to 'hedge my bets' as it were," Guru smiled gently down at me, "When I was checking your memories to ascertain your true intensions, I saw what the one you call Kami did when he imbued the saiyan known as Goku with the power of magic and linked the dragon balls to him, and thus to you when you were given life."

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Neither humans or saiyans are naturally born with magic power, at least according to Kami. And even when Goku was given magic power by Kami, he simply lacked the power to manipulate it properly. Kami connected him to the dragon balls, to allow Goku to use Shenron as a medium to add that magic power connected and growing alongside his ki to empower his ki for an attack, the Dragon Fist.

Guru's hand once again settled on my head, "I will follow his example," he continued, "I shall link you to Porunga and increase the strength of your magic power two fold and thus even when I die, the dragon balls will merely become inert and not disappear alongside me."

Wait, what!?

Before I could say anything though, I once again felt warmth and energy spread throughout my body, reaching deep down into my essence, the shadow of my ki, the power I could not consciously use myself without using Shenron as a medium in the Dragon Fist and suddenly...

Information flooded my mind. My thoughts raced as the Namekian Language was imprinted into my very brain. And a few moments later, when I came back to consciousness I found myself sitting on my ass.

All was silent, beyond the heavy gasping of Guru, "..Are you alright?" I asked him blandly, in a bit of a daze. It was a bit weird to suddenly know an entirely knew language, especially one as bizarre as the Namekian one.

"..I'm fine...young Kakarot..hah..hah.." Guru smiled grimly as he answered, the old Namekian sure did smile a lot, he was a very kind and genial fellow, "My time...on this realm grows ever shorter...this has just been the first time..that I've exerted my powers in a long while."

I bit my lip. Have I just sped up when Guru will die? "Do not worry Kakarot," he said, sensing my worries, "There is life in me yet. I just..need to sleep a bit and...rest." as he said that, his eyes dipped slowly shut and he fell asleep. He must have been really exhausted.

Well, looks like I'm staying here until Nail gets back. I don't want to leave the kind old Namekian alone.

So I suppose for now until Nail gathers the dragon balls and gets back, I can do some image training.

Gotta say guys. I was laughing so hard at the ree'ing about ntr with the clone. How is it Ntr? It's literally him, and he gets all memories of it. It's him down to his very soul and thoughts, not a different person. Are you all really so insecure about your masculanity that you can't even trust yourself with your woman?

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts