
Let the games begins!!

In the evening, Agni,Fred, Mr Winans bodyguard(Jerry),Nikita, Matteo and the Winans family have a meeting to talk about the first move and who goes first,

Fred:" so Agni, what's the first move? "

Agni: " for tonight I'll go,am going to appear in Nisha's room to scare the wits out of her. Jaden,Matty and Jerry will come with me"

Matteo: " tomorrow morning, Mr Winans and Michelle will takeover "

Michelle: " okay sister in-law let me do the makeup and the dressing "

Michelle gives Agni a very scary makeover with scary makeup that no can resist but think she's a ghost. Michelle does her work and goes out of the room to get some water when she meets Jaden,

Jaden: " are you already done with the makeup? "

Michelle: " of course, you know makeup is my specialty. By the way Agni is in her room go check her out and tell me what you think"

Jaden gets to the bedroom and he screams when he unexpectedly comes face to face with Agni,

Jay:" Ahhhhhhhhh!"

Agni: " relax Jay, it's just me. I didn't know you were a coward"

Jaden: " am not a coward I was just pretending to get scared"

Agni: " liar...just admit you got scared. If I was able to make you scream like that, imagine Nisha "

Jaden: " I was a bit scared so I wonder how she'll react,especially when she thinks you're dead. Come on we have to go"

Agni and the guys drive to the next town,they park the car at the distance to avoid been seen. They, then hide in the bushes to stay out of sight. They guys stand in their respective positions to keep an eye and to inform Agni if any person is coming. Agni sneaks into almost all the rooms in the mansion and put some tiny cameras to stay up to date with what goes on in the mansion,finally, she enters Nisha's bedroom and sits in a rocking chair calling out Nisha in a fainting voice,

'Nisha.... Nisha.... Nisha'

Nisha is able to hear the voice in her sleep but she ignores it. The voice calls again,

' Nisha..... Nisha..... Nisha'

Nisha hears it, but thinks she is dreaming and goes back to sleep. The voice calls again,

' Nisha.... Nisha.... Nisha'

This time Nisha thinks its just her mom trying to wake her so early even though its midnight

' can't you let met sleep in peace mom? its midnight so leave me'

The voice calls again for the fifth time but Nisha ignores,she feels pressed all of a sudden and visits the restroom. Upon getting back,she finds the lights on and remember leaving them on. She looks at the window and sees a lady sitting in her rocking chair moving back and forth and she looks like Agni. Nisha switches the light off goes in bed,covers herself up to the head with a blanket and starts sweating profusely,speaking to herself in a low voice,

' ghosts aren't you, they don't exist. The lady I saw there isn't again, Agni died three years ago and if she wanted to haunt me she would have done so earlier, this is just my imagination'

Nisha decides she will count 1to 10 then peep a little to check if there is no one in the chair. She counts 1 to 10 and when she peeps,she comes face to face with a ghost! Nisha jumps out of her bed and shakes uncontrollably while begging the ghost to spare her life,

' Ahhhhhhhhh! gggghost! do-do-don't kill me Agni am innocent,spare me "

Agni: " give me one good reason why I should spare a murderer like you Nisha"

Nisha: " I was just backing my mom and brother that's all. Plus am too young to die,am not married and I have no kids yet"

Agni: " so you are still selfish Nisha... I'll kill you now"

Nisha: " sorry! forgive me boss I will change and won't be selfish anymore, I promise! "

Agni: " I will I know for sure that you have had a change of heart Nisha? "

Nisha: " anything... tell me anything and I'll do it, just tell me"

Agni: " you have made my young brother's life miserable by making him fend for the family at a young age,give him the position of managing director in the company and pay him double "

Nisha: " its done boss... consider it done tomorrow "

Via laptop and connection to the tiny cameras,Jerry sees Angela,Abbey and Zerah walking up to Nisha's room and alerts Agni. When a scared Nisha closes her eyes with tears in her eyes,Agni sneaks out through the window. The three enter and they find Nisha kneeling on the floor crying and talking to herself, Angela taps Nisha on her shoulder and calls her but she reacts in a weird way,

Angela:"Nisha? Nisha?"

Nisha: " don't kill me Agni please don't kill me! "

Angela:" Nisha get up its me,your mom"

Nisha hurriedly gets up hugs her mom tightly while crying in fear,

Nisha: " it was Agni mom,she was here...her gggghost was threatening to kill me"

Zerah hears this and gets extremely angry,she takes Nisha and slams her cheek so hard it turns red,

Angela: " what's all this about Zerah,have you lost it!"

Zerah: " no Angela your daughter has lost it! if years don't keep that mouth shut I'll smack you too. And you Nisha, ghosts don't exist now get that straight girl and let us sleep in peace! caution your daughter, it seems she is taking weed now"

Abbey: "look Nisha, you and your mom killed my Agni so don't make a joke out of or else I'll...."

Angela: " Abbey! enough now go back to your room"

Nisha refuses to sleep in her room and goes to Angela's room. Her mom convinces her that what she was thinking was unreal and gets her back to sleep. Agni and her team rush back to their town, when they watch the video of Nisha pleading, they all laugh. They go to bed and await the morning for the next move.
