
Hot iron

My eyes went wide at Fang's words. All this time, I had not thought about it once, and yet Fang had figured it out. "Why would I go to Greenland?" My voice was serious as I spoke about it. 

"I read memories, little one, not thoughts," Fang reminded me while putting up a charming smile, "And somehow I can't help but be constantly inside your head."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Stay. Out. Of. It Fang Warchild, I don't like when people meddle with my plans." Sure he had planned to follow me to Greenland, but there was something I had to do before going there. The last thing I wanted was Fang causing any problem with my plan or coming in between the case. It might be related to him as well, but I did not want distractions walking alongside me when I was on this case. 
