
Chapter 54

Once the imperial doctor said that to the Empress, she just ticked her tongue and left the room. Kal's personal butler reported what happened. Kal didn't have any reaction at all. He just ordered to prepare for the funeral and take care of Carney well.

Once Carney knew about it she blamed the 3 noblewomen, however, there is no evidence and no witness. Carney told the empress but the empress couldn't care less. Carney ordered to search for the 3 noblewomen but there is no trace of them as if they were her imagination. Carney was sure that the 3 noblewomen weren't from that powerful family or that what she thought. Carney thought maybe it was Ariel's doing, and that she is the one who ordered those women to do that to her, if that's true she can't do anything to her neither her nor the empress because she 100% supported by the Bisi family. However, the truth is, those three women were just from a lower class aristocrat who used to work in the palace but got fired not too long before the party. They managed to sneak into the palace to revenge on Carney.

Because Carney fired them because, firstly, they were talking about Ariel. Secondly, they didn't know her favorite dress and because they had put on lipstick.

The reason Carney didn't remember their faces or know them because all she cared about was herself. Carney decided to forget about this and not waste any more time having another baby. However, Kal never visited Carney and when she goes to him he escapes.

At night she tried to sneak into Kal's bedroom but she couldn't because Kal has put guards in front of his bedroom door.

At the funeral, Carney tried to act pathetic and sad but no one bought her lies except the Alexon couples. Kal didn't turn to her or glanced at her even once. When she tried to go near him the guards would block her way. She goes to the empress, the empress would tell her to try to have another baby or wait and do nothing till Kal gets to his usual self. Carney felt furious and frustrated she couldn't punish who did that to her and she couldn't find him. She can't punish Ariel or point a finger at her because she is protected by the Bisi family. She thought it wasn't fair at all. Carney couldn't understand why the Bisi family would pick Ariel and why would the Bisi family is that strong. Carney screamed and shouted every day out of frustration. However, the Baroness and Baron thought it was depression from losing her unborn child. When the truth is Carney never cared about the child because the child was just a tool who would be able to tie the crown prince to her.

The Baroness and Baron visited Carney and tried to comfort her. At that time Carney had an idea.

▶Carney: "Mom! Dad! It's Ariel! The girls said that it was Ariel who ordered them to do that!! Why why sister would do that to me?!! Is my love for the prince a crime?!"

The Alexon couple pitied Carney.

▶Baroness: "Carney my dear, don't worry! We will go and talk to her, so don't worry! Oh, my poor child. Rest my dear rest well and gain your power so that you can have another child for the prince."

Carney nodded her head and hugged the baroness. Behind the baroness, Carney smirked.

The Alexon couples went to Alix's residence. The maid let them in and reported to Ariel who was in Alix's office. Ariel looked at the butler strangely, her parents haven't sent any letters informing their visit. Alix got up from his seat.

▶Alix: "Seems like they are here for trouble."

▶Ariel: "Trouble?! What do you mean?"

▶Alix: "At the party day Carney lost her child, and I assume that she had blamed everything on you and told your parents."

▶Ariel: "That girl, she really doesn't like her peaceful days."

▶Alix: "I investigated the case, and I found the true trouble makers, however, they weren't the ones who hurt her. They admitted that they had sneered at her but never touched her. Because Carney fell by herself and she was wearing high heels and a long dress. And she was rushing to slap one of them. They avoided it and she fell by herself."

Ariel sighed.

▶Ariel: "... And you helped them escape because it wasn't their fault and all the whole situation was stupid."

▶Alix: " Yes, true, Don't worry I'm coming with you to show them the report at least they won't be able to do anything to you and they had to believe me.."

▶Ariel: "Yes sure."

Ariel and Alix headed to where the Alexon couples were waiting. Once the baroness saw the shadow of Ariel she started cursing and yelling, but then she saw that behind Ariel Alix was there, the baroness paused and adjusted herself. The baron and baroness greeted Alix.

▶Alix: "Please sit."

▶Baron: "Umm....uhh... How are you doing duke Alix?"

▶Alix: "I have been feeling good thanks to Ariel."

▶Baron: "A Ariel...haha, glad that my daughter could help." Said with an awkward laugh.

▶Alix: "So what brought you here Baron Miller, Baroness Kaylee." The baroness stood up and walked towards Ariel.

▶Baroness: "Let's talk in private."

Alix blocked Ariel's way with his hands.

▶Alix: "You don't need to, because what you are here for, I can clear it to you. Besides, Baroness Kaylee as a mother you should ask Ariel first if it was true. Oh, please forgive me I just remembered that you disowned her. In that case, you have no right to point a finger at her as she is now my fiance. "

Ariel turned to Alix surprisingly.

The baroness clenched her teeth and her dress.

▶Baron: "F fiance??!! We have never heard about that!! Ariel?!!"

▶Alix: "I'm sorry, however, the baroness said that Ariel has no right to ask anything from the family and that she doesn't deserve it. I take those words as the Alexon family has disowned Ariel. So I didn't think it is necessary to inform you about our decision. Let's finish quickly I and Ariel are busy." Alix handed the Baron the report and stood up, afterward he held Ariel's hands to walk outside the room, but before that.

▶Alix: "Mee and Meg please see the Baron and Baroness outside after they are done with the report."

Mee and Meg bowed. Alix and Ariel walked out of the room leaving both couples dump and furious. The Baron sighed.

▶Baron: "It's not her. Let's go."

▶Baroness: "What do you mean let's go?! They could have faked the report!"

▶Baron: "That's true, then what do you want me to do?! Huh?! Do you have the power to do anything to them?!"

▶Baroness: "Then what about Carney?! Poor Carney is suffering from depression from losing her child!! Poor Carney!"

Lidia walked in and greeted the couple.

▶Lidia: "I heard that Baron Miller and Baroness Kaylee were here so I came to greet you and to walk you outside."

▶Baroness: "YOU!!"

▶Lidia: "Oh! You just said that Sister Ariel and Alix might fake it, I'm impressed! I thought Baroness Kaylee was so pure and couldn't think of things like that! if that's the case, why don't you think that Carney could have done the same thing?!"

The Baroness was about to say something but Lidia didn't let baroness Kaylee have a chance to talk.

▶Lidia: "Oh, I don't need to hear your answer because I'm sure I won't be satisfied with it. I don't really understand what kind of parents you are!!? Not willing to open your eyes to see the truth. Not asking about anything and just siding with that maid! I don't know whether you guys are just pure, or have a brain problem, or just stupid."

▶Baron: "Marquis Lidia! That's..." Lidia interrupted him.

▶Lidia: "Now that I'm done, please excuse me, Mee Meg send the guest outside."

Meg and Mee opened the door and gave way to the couple to go outside.

The Baron and Baroness were in shock. No one has ever treated them this rude before. They were so furious and frustrated.

When they were on their way outside they bumped into Arthur.

▶Baroness: "!!! Arthur!! My child how have you been?! Are you alright?! Didn't you miss me?! Arthur let's go home together." Once the baroness saw Arthur she rushed to hug him. Now Arthur is 5 years old. The triplets and Arthur vanished suddenly without a word when they were out of the country. The baroness assumed that he would be with Ariel since the triplets also were missing with him. Well, their replacements have informed her of that anyway.

Arthur didn't hug the baroness back nor moved an inch. He was cold and expressionless towards the couple. Arthur just greeted them politely as he was supposed to do, then walked past the baroness. The baroness was furious, she stopped Arthur.

▶Baroness: "It's that unfaithful girl right?! She is the one who made you act like that to your parents!!!! Come with me!! You should come back with me!!" The baroness dragged Arthur but got stopped by Marquis Rane. Not too long Marquis Rane became Arthur's personal trainer and teacher.

▶MR: "Baroness Kaylee it's improper to drag a child like that."

▶Baroness: "Marquis Rane! It's none of your business, I'm teaching my own son!! "

▶MR: "However, the way you are treating him not like he is your child but as an animal. That's how people see it! Now leave him!!" Glared Marquis Rane.

The baroness was frustrated and roughly let go of Arthur.

The couple left the residence with their mouth full of cursing and swearing.

Carney couldn't take it anymore. No one is giving her any attention in the palace after she lost the child and Kal won't give a second of his time to her. Carney thought if that's the case then she has to plan for something. Carney heard the news that prince Zenoch from another country is coming to discuss some peace contract with the prince. Carney thought that's it that's what she has wanted. Another prince from another country. She wanted to let anyone who dared to ignore her and treat her poorly pay the price.

Carney searched for a good opportunity to meet prince Zenoah. Prince Zenoch is an ambitious Prince greedy and sneaky, you could say that he is the other twin of Prince Val in case of personality. Nothing about him is clear and nothing about him is suitable to be a prince.

Carney dared to meet the prince in his bedroom. Carney planned to get help from prince Zenoch to get pregnant, and she would help him get military information.

Prince Zenoah smirked and agreed.
