
He is our son...

''What do you mean by that by all of this Emelia?''

''You heard me. He is our son. I had him after our breakup''

''And why am I hearing about it now? Why haven't you contacted me all this while? What exactly are you playing at?''

''Listen to me, Ben…''


Hanna's Diner.

''Gracious Lord. He is Emelia's son?'' Mrs. Hanna asked as she looked at Ronald who was eating breakfast at one of the tables.

''Yes, from the horse's own mouth''

''And you said, she told Ben the kid is his son?''

''Yes, can you believe that?''

''Well, look. He does eat and sit like Ben, if you ask me?''

''He surely does but he looks nothing like my brother. Aunt, I don't know why but, I have a bad feeling about this. What do you think her intentions are? She came with a lot of luggage''

''Well, one thing is clear. Her intentions are not good''
