
Meeting the Whitecloaks

Ying followed Trik through the streets of Dawnharbour. The leader of the white cloaks wore a sword on his hip, leather pants and a fancy blue shirt.

"Here" Trik said.

"The luxury hall?" Ying sounded surprised.

Trik nodded. "They came with packs full of qi cores."

"The pickings must be rich where they're from. Where are they from?"

Trik's tilted his head to the side. "I can guess, but you may as well ask them. They're  friendly."

Ying took the two steps and used the door knocker. A few moments later it opened, and an incredibly beautiful woman held the door. She was Svartalfar, the wood elf race, and basically naked.

"I'm Ying and you know Trik. You're expecting us."

She nodded and flicked her head towards the centre of their common room. "Follow," she said.

Ying turned to Trik with wide eyes and the rogue smiled.

"Thanks for the heads up," Ying said and entered.

"You're welcome sire," Trik said with equal sarcasm.
