

It kind of sucks being like me now, isn't it?

~Anime Island Headquarters, 3 pm, June 9, 2019~

(The gang is left in shock as Francis takes their victory off their shoes. Two of their friends have been in critical condition and one terminal. Now, Zel has to comfort the two as Francis gloats at their foolishness)

Zel: Oh god. No way this can be happening!

Desti: I'll be fine. I'd just- (coughs some blood out & loses balance, for which the two catch her) Ah figures. Looks like I won't be here for long.

Lo: Don't worry. We can still fix this. All we need to do is-

(That's when Francis summoned an army of Sephiroths to make their journey much harder. For the two blondes, they are screwed)

Desti: (to Lo) Hey man, sorry I didn't get to know you sooner. You can have some potential for a kind of pushover.

Lo: Umm... thanks, I guess.

Desti: (to Meggy) & Meggy... make sure you win Splatfest... for the both of us.

(As tears gush even harder on the Inkling's face, Desti gives out her final breath as she dies in their arms. The situation has never looked dire before. The villain's close to winning, everyone's surrounded, & Lo is close to losing it. He has seen it all before, & the rage of remembering it had grown bigger & bigger until...)

Zel: Lo?

(A beam of black & white light engulfs Lo as he screams in tremendous agony. At the same time, a tank [courtesy of Bob, Swagmaster, & Chris] broke through the walls & into battle)



(Once the light subsides, Lo's hair has been bleached in white, an aura permeates through his skin, & his wound stops bleeding. Everyone tries to reason with him [except for those in the tank, who proceeded to blow off the horde anyway], but there is only one thing on his mind)

T A K E V E N G E A N C E !

(He then sets sights on Francis, who's been high tailed by the gang as they gave him a merciless beating)

SMG4: Get that mofo!

(Francis gets beaten, piece by piece until Lo seizes the opportunity to strike. Grabbing the still intact Masamune, it gets wrapped in darkness until it becomes his sword, & with tears in his eyes, looks up at Francis)

Lo: I will make you eat those words! (leaps up & slashes him multiple times before leaving him with the tank's bullet)

(Francis has never felt a beating like this before, as if all of the team's unbridled rage was condensed to this one individual. And then he gets blasted through the ink canister where Meggy's ink was kept, shattering upon impact. Zel was happy at first until she realized something)

Zel: Are you still in there, Lo? (gets no response) Lo???

(That's when a burst of energy came out of the chamber, revealing Stage 5 Super Saiyan Goku. It seems tossing him & the Inkweaver through the ink chamber was never a good idea)

Lo: Oh great, not another one. (tries to head off, only to feel a grasp on his arm)

Zel: Please don't do it. This thing... (sees it compress a tank to a cube) this thing is way too powerful. You can't win this.

Lo: I had to... I need to avenge her. (That's when Zel notices the tears in his eyes. For once, the old Lo's slowly taking over once more)

Zel: Listen. We made a promise that you'd never leave my side. So please don't try to break it.

(Upon that realization, & not minding that Goku lays waste to his comrades, Lo's rage begins to subside as his hair turns back to yellow)

Lo: Was I... was it good enough?

Zel: You did great, roomie. (hugs him tightly) I'm so proud of you.

(The two then embraced as Goku loomed over them, only for a huge rumbling to break the atmosphere. Axol had cranked the Ink Zucker to unknown levels, & Meggy was willing to sacrifice all of her ink to turn the tides of battle)


(That one command springs Lo back to action as he heads to the front of the chamber & prepares his sword to cut off an energy beam fired by Goku. Using his newfound energy, he tried pushing it back, but it got harder & harder to repress. Then he felt a massive push. Lo looked on his side & saw that Zel shoved him out of the way. For once, it felt so hypocritical from their promise, as she'd resign to her fate, & then it cuts to black)

(When Lo wakes up, a slight pain has nudged through his head. He had been propelled to the other side of the room, with black ink seeping through a nearby pipe)

Lo: What happened?

(He then looked around to see Mario clearing the rubble, a green skinny dude had finished off Goku, & Francis was getting sucked into his tiny chamber. But then the rumbling happened again, & Lo hardly had time to comprehend what just happened)


(Those few words reminded him of an explosion, & how Zel sacrificed herself for his safety. Lo tries to rush into Mario to help him, only to get whisked by the green dude to the boat)

Luigi: (to the green dude) Oh, thanks Shaggy.


Mario: WHERE'S MEGGY?!!!!

(Shaggy has recently returned all the kidnapped Inklings, only to swiftly return to the island for Zel & Meggy, 

just as the island exploded)

(Everyone is left in horror as the smoke grows higher. They wished for Shaggy to come out, but saw nothing)

Lo: You. (slowly falls to despair) You have promised...

(Comforted by Mario, everyone had the same feeling that they could've tried harder to save them, but sadly couldn't)

Axol: I'm... I'm so sorry. (as he lets his guilt & shame for letting his creation cause such calamity surface, a shadow greets him) Huh?!

(Everyone looks up to see Shaggy carrying the two, but it is hard to make out between them. Then a shadow drops by the side)

Lo: Hold on, I got- (manages to catch them by not only one hand but also lost balance as it was before) You ok?

(What gazed at him was Zel, or what seemed to be her. Her hair has been browned lightly, her ears are now pointy, and she has a more anime-esque face than usual)

Zel: (groans a bit, then opens her eyes) Lo?

Lo: IT IS YOU! (hugs her tightly as it was before) I just got so worried.

Zel: That makes the two of us. And, sorry about what happened before. I know you would've done the same.

Lo: At least it couldn't go worse.

(The two then embraced a little further, until they were greeted with a startling scream)

Meggy: WHAT HAPPENED TO MEEEEE?!!! (passes out)

(A few days had passed, and everyone was returning to the Mushroom Kingdom with some remorse in their hearts. They had given a funeral for Desti, & huge condolences swarmed throughout Inkopolis, with Meggy being the most affected)

Lo: Hey, Zel?

Zel: What's up?

Lo: About what happened back then. I don't remember what I did after Desti died. All I did recall was the thirst for revenge, & a dark star over Francis' horizon. It was as if my powers were targeting me to finish this monster, but I didn't have the strength to accomplish it.

Zel: I know that feeling. We all wanted to get revenge for what we lost, but it wouldn't have been worth it if we'd lost more of our friends, (hold his hand) especially me.

Lo: (blushes slightly) Thanks.

(The bus then came to a halt, the location set at Peach's Castle)

SMG4: OK gang, we see you tomorrow, I guess.

(As everyone gets out of the bus, Lo heads to the side of the bus where all of the luggage is stored & takes out a cooler with a simple note. It reads:)

"The light at the end of the tunnel will burn brighter with hope. Treat it well"

Lo: (nods a bit, then looks at the sky) I will. & I'm gonna make you proud.

(With that, Lo heads to Zel, with his new robotic arm carrying the cooler in one hand, shining on the setting sun to an old era)

End of Ch. 6

Final Hours, but with even grimmer stakes. But hey, at least Lo was getting better. & with a new arm similar to Tari's, I wonder what comes next for the two.

Electric_Logancreators' thoughts